Karl Wolfgang Maximilian von Welck

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Karl Wolfgang Maximilian Welck , von Welck since 1785 , Baron von Welck since 1792 , (* July 27, 1743 in Pappenheim , † December 10, 1809 in Meißen ) was district administrator of Meißen and court councilor of the Electorate of Saxony .


Karl Wolfgang Maximilian Welck was born on July 27, 1743 in Pappenheim as the son of Wolfgang Georg Welck and Johanna Sophie Gleditsch. His father worked at Pappenheimschen Hof until he was three years old, then the family moved to Leipzig, where Karl Welck grew up and studied law.

After completing his studies, Karl Welck was assigned to the commission for the regulation of Pappenheim's debt system in 1762. In 1764 he joined the electoral Saxon embassy for the election of Emperor Joseph II in Frankfurt a. M. In the following years he wrote scientific papers.

In 1771 he was appointed district administrator of the Meißner Kreis, conferring the character of electoral Saxon court councilor. In this office, which he held until his death, Karl Welck took over management tasks in the administration and jurisdiction of the district.

In addition, from 1791 to 1806 he was the owner of the then important Gleditsch publishing house, which was incorporated into FA Brockhaus Verlag in 1831 .

On March 3, 1785, Karl Welck and his brother Rudolf Welck were raised to the hereditary knighthood of the Holy Roman Empire by Emperor Joseph II in recognition of their own merits and those of their father . In addition, Karl von Welck was on June 22, 1792 by the imperial vicar Elector Friedrich August III. , the just, raised to the hereditary imperial baron status.

His wife Rahel Amalie Siegert, whom he married in 1772, inherited Oberrabenstein in 1783 , which he bought from her after it was ennobled. He had the castle restored in the old style and laid out a romantic park based on the English model. The family had three children, Georg Ludwig , Sophie Emilie Henriette and Heinrich Maximilian. After the death of his wife in 1791 he married Wilhelmine Friederike Henriette Countess von Seydewitz from the Pülswerda house , who gave birth to his son Curt Robert .

Baron von Welck died on December 10, 1809 in Meißen.


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