Karl Wollf

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Karl Wollf (also: Karl Joseph Wolff ; born June 27, 1876 in Koblenz , † June 13, 1952 in London ) was a German dramaturge and writer.


Before he went to the theater, Wollf worked as a lawyer in the office of his father-in-law, Dr. Max Friedberg works in Karlsruhe . His theater career began when he appeared at the Grand Ducal Court Theater in Karlsruhe from 1905. He also worked at the Dresden State Theater . He also published books on the theater and on German writers. In the 1920s, many of his speeches were broadcast as radio plays on the radio.

Before the handover of power to the National Socialists in 1933, Wollf was a board member of the Schopenhauer and Kleist societies, and he was also honorary chairman of the Saxon writers' protection association. Before 1939 he fled to France, from where he emigrated via Lisbon to London in May 1942, where his wife and married daughter were waiting for him. He was co-founder and president of the largest London cultural emigre organization "Club 1943", a spin-off from the Free German League of Culture in Great Britain , and was also a member of the board of directors of the PEN Club of German Authors Abroad .

From 1902 to 1910 Wollf was married to the poet and song composer Johanna Wollf-Friedberg .


  • Wollf, Karl , in: Deutsches Theater-Lexikon , Volume 7; Biographical and Bibliographical Handbook, ISBN 978-3-908255-52-9 , 2012, pp. 3576-3577
  • Wolff, Karl , in: Frithjof Trapp , Bärbel Schrader, Dieter Wenk, Ingrid Maaß: Handbook of the German-speaking Exile Theater 1933 - 1945. Volume 2. Biographical Lexicon of Theater Artists . Munich: Saur, 1999, ISBN 3-598-11375-7 , p. 1036
  • Hannes Heer , Jürgen Kesting , Peter Schmidt: Silent voices: the expulsion of the "Jews" and "politically intolerable" from the Dresden theaters 1933 to 1945; an exhibition. Semperoper Dresden and Staatsschauspiel Dresden May 15 to July 13, 2011. Berlin: Metropol, 2011 ISBN 978-3-86331-032-5 , short biography p. 132
  • German stage yearbook 1953. Theater history year and address book. 61st year. Berlin, p. 86

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