Karl Wucherpfennig

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Karl J. Wucherpfennig (born September 9, 1925 in Kalkar ; † October 27, 2017 ) was a German food chemist .


After attending school in Düsseldorf, he was drafted into military service. After returning home from captivity, he studied chemistry at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn from 1946 to 1952 and worked as a plant manager in fruit processing. At the Technical University of Karlsruhe , he did his doctorate with Werner Heimann in 1960 with a focus on fruit processing to obtain a Dr. rer. nat. In 1977 he completed his habilitation in food technology at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen .

In 1959 Wucherpfennig succeeded Julius Koch as head of the Institute for Fruit and Vegetable Utilization at the Geisenheim Research Station . In 1965 he merged the facility with the Institute for Wine Chemistry and Biochemistry to form the new Institute for Wine Chemistry and Beverage Research . He also taught at the Geisenheim Faculty of the Wiesbaden University of Applied Sciences and, since 1965, at the University of Giessen. In 1988 he retired. For more than 30 years he was the scientific director of the quality competitions for fruit and vegetable juices at the German Agricultural Society (DLG) .

Wucherpfennig published more than 270 papers in the field of beverage technology and the development of new analytical methods for assessing the ingredients of non-alcoholic and alcoholic products for modern beverage production and was known as a speaker at home and abroad. In 2009 he was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit 1st Class of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany for his services to German wine and fruit juice research.


  • Deacidification and Acidification of Pome, Berry and Stone Fruit Juices and Grape Must by Means of Electrodialysis , Muhammad Ali Society 1985
  • Handbook of non-alcoholic beverages , Behr'S Verlag 1990, ISBN 3925673709 , together with Peter Hahn, Gisela Semmler

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Obituary notice of Karl Wucherpfennig , FAZ from November 22, 2017
  2. a b c Congratulations! Prof. Dr. Karl Wucherpfennig was 90 years old today , at the Geisenheim University on September 9, 2015