Karl von Reinhardstöttner

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Karl von Reinhardstöttner (born March 26, 1847 in Munich ; † April 1, 1909 there ) was a German linguist (Romance philologist) and cultural historian as well as a university professor.


The son of the Royal Court Secretary - 1865 Residence police commissioner - in Munich, Gustav von Reinhardstötter, and his wife Mathilde, née Müller, received in 1865 the Absolutorium ( Abitur) at the Munich Maximiliansgymnasium , among others Otto Hörmann of Hörbach , and then studied classical philology and History at the Universities of Munich and Halle. After a stay in Italy in 1867, he obtained his doctorate in 1871 under Eduard Böhmer at the University of Halle. phil. with a work on the emergence of the Italian language from Latin. In 1872 he completed his habilitation at the University of Würzburg with the thesis Contributions to the textual criticism of the Lusiadas des Camões and initially worked at the military training institute in Munich. As a private lecturer in comparative linguistics and Romance philology, he gave lectures; from 1902 he taught as an honorary professor at the Munich Polytechnic University.

In March 1876 Reinhardstöttner married Therese, née Gückel. Sons: Oskar (1880–1907; Dr. jur.), Alfred (* 1882; medical doctor).

Reinhardstöttner was with the historian Karl Trautmann (1857-1936) the founder and from 1887 to 1890 editor of the first four volumes of the Jahrbuch für Münchener Geschichte (in 1894 a fifth volume was published by Trautmann alone). With him he also published the series Bayerische Bibliothek , which has been published irregularly since 1890, at Verlag Buchner in Bamberg . The illustrated volumes 1 and 17 (both published in 1890) on Martinus Balticus come from Reinhardstöttner alone . A humanist life from the 16th century or the country and people in the Bavarian Forest , from Trautmann Volume 15 (1890) about Oberammergau and his Passion Play .

Other works (selection)

  • The etymology of the Greek language in questions and answers. Landshut 1869.
  • The Italian language. Their origins from Latin, their relationship to the other Romance languages, and their dialects along with a look at Italian literature, inaugurial dissertation at the University of Halle. Hall as 1869.
  • Dutch conversation grammar for school and private lessons. Groos, Heidelberg 1871.
  • Contributions to the textual criticism of the Lusiadas des Camões. Habilitation thesis. Munich 1872 (published as: Os Lusiadas de Luiz de Camões, Strasbourg 1874).
  • A. Diniz's Hyssope in his relationship to Boileau's Lutrin. Literary historical sketch. Hildebrand, Leipzig 1877.
  • Luiz de Camoens, the singer of the Lusiaden. Biographical sketch. Hildebrand, Leipzig 1877.
  • Grammar of the Portuguese language based on Latin and the comparative Romance languages. Strasbourg 1878.
  • Theoretical-practical grammar of the Italian language especially for students and experts in ancient languages. Lindauer, Munich 1880.
  • The Plautinian comedies in later arrangements. Leipzig 1880.
  • (Translator) Adolfo Bartoli (Romanist) , History of Italian Literature. Leipzig 1881.
  • (Ed.) Collection of Spanish reprints of the XV. and XVI. Century. Munich 1886
  • Plautus. Later arrangements of Plautinian comedies. A contribution to comparative literary history. W. Friedrich, Leipzig 1886, Hildesheim 1980.
  • The classical writers of antiquity in their influence on later literatures, 1886.
  • Essays and treatises, primarily on the history of literature. Berlin 1887.
  • St. Grail, old Portuguese, 1890.
  • Martinus Balticus. A humanist life from the sixteenth century. Bamberg 1890.
  • The Upper Palatinate: A guide to teaching local history and an introduction to understanding maps. With 1 map of the Upper Palatinate. Alfred Coppenrath, Regensburg 1890.
  • Country and people in the Bavarian forest. Bamberg 1890.
  • The electoral Bavarian court poet Matthias Etenhueber , Munich 1892.
  • Folk writer of the Counter Reformation in Old Bavaria. Munich 1894.
  • Handwritten Munich and other Latin Jesuit dramas of the k. Petersburg Library. Max Eichinger, Ansbach and Leipzig 1896.
  • Pedagogy from the Knight's Academy in Ettal: 1711–1744. Max Eichinger, Ansbach 1896.
  • From Bayerwalde. Five cultural-historical narratives (Des Arber's secret; Der Bilmesschneider; Sin and atonement; Der Blöcherlmülle; Brother Josephus). W. Wunderling, Regensburg 1897.
  • Latin Renaissance literature. Ms. Junge, Erlangen 1897.
  • (with Romeo Lovera) Vocabolario sistematico e guida della conversazione italiana. Methodical instruction for speaking Italian according to Karl Ploetz "Vocabulaire systématique". FA Herbig, Berlin 1900 (1st edition 1868).
  • Portuguese literary history. Göschen Collection, Leipzig 1904.
  • Merope. Tragedy in five acts by Scipione Maffei. Translated and set up for the German stage by Carl von Reinhardstöttner. Reclam jun., Leipzig 1917.
  • The electoral Bavarian court poet Matthias Etenhueber , in: Research on culture and Literature history of Bavaria . 1st book. G. Franz. Munich 1893, pp. 7–68. * Andreas Zaupser , research on culture and culture. Literature history of Bavaria. 1st book. G. Franz. Munich 1893, pp. 121-226.
  • Bavaria and its capital in the light of travel signs and foreign rallies , in: Research on the cultural and literary history of Bavaria . (Small messages). G. Franz / M. Eichinger, Munich and Leipzig 1894–1900.
  • Munich newspaper polemics against Voltaire in 1769 , in: Research on the history of Bavaria , 2nd book. G. Franz, Munich and Leipzig 1894.
  • Folk writer of the Counter Reformation in Altbayern , in: Research on the history of Bavaria , 2nd book. G. Franz, Munich 1894, pp. 40-139.
  • The beginnings of Munich's industry and large-scale trade in the past century and their assessment outside of Bavaria , in: Bayerisches Industrie- und Gewerbeblatt. 1895.
  • The moral and economic society of Burghausen (1765-1802) , in: Research on the history of Bavaria , 3rd book. Eichinger, Ansbach 1895.
  • Johann Franz von Kohlbrenner , in: Research on the history of Bavaria , Vol. 6. W. Wunderling, Regensburg 1896.
  • A Munich dramaturgy a hundred years ago , in: Research on the cultural and literary history of Bavaria . V. book. Ansbach and Leipzig 1897.


  • Franz Neubert (ed.): German contemporary lexicon. Leipzig, Schulze 1905.
  • Hermann Degener (Ed.): Who is it ?, 4th edition, Leipzig 1909.
  • Kürschner: German literature. Necrologist 1901-1935. 1936.
  • S. Günther and G. Hartmann: Technical University of Munich. Report on the academic year 1908/09.
  • Anton Bettelheim (Ed.): Biographisches Jahrbuch und Deutscher Nekrolog, Vol. 14. 1909 (1912) + death list 1909. Berlin, Reimer 1912.
  • Anton Gräßl: Karl von Reinhardstöttner as Bavarian Forest poet 1847–1909 , in: Die Ostbairischen Grenzmarken. Monthly of the Institute for East Bavarian Homeland Research in Passau 16, 1927, no. 10, pp. 349–358.
  • Wilhelm Kosch (Ed.): The Catholic Germany. Biographical-Bibliographical Lexicon. Haas & Grabherr's Literary Institute, Vol. 2, Augsburg 1937 (photo).
  • Stefanie Seidel-Vollmann: The Romance Philology. Duncker & Humblot, Munich 1977, pp. 172-173.
  • Gunta Haenicke / Thomas Finkenstaedt / Konrad Schroeder (eds.): Anglistenlexikon. Augsburg, University of Augsburg 1992, pp. 251-252.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Annual report on the K. Maximilians-Gymnasium in Munich for the school year 1864/65