Karsten Friis Johansen

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Karsten Friis Johansen ( December 5, 1930 - July 29, 2010 ) was a Danish classical philologist and historian of philosophy .

Karsten Fries Johansen, son of the classical archaeologist Knud Friis Johansen and brother of the classical philologist Holger Friis Johansen , studied classical philology and history at the University of Copenhagen , where he graduated as cand. dropped. With a thesis on Plato's Parmenides - "Studier over Plato's Parmenides i dens forhold til tidligere platoniske dialoger" ("Study about Plato's Parmenides in relation to earlier Platonic dialogues") I received my doctorate. From 1957 to 1968 he was a librarian at the Royal Library in Copenhagen, initially as a specialist in Greek, from 1958 as head of the foreign department of the systematic catalog. From 1967 he taught classical philology at the University of Copenhagen, where he was professor of ancient and medieval philosophy from 1969 until his retirement in 1998.

He was a member of the Danish and Norwegian Academy of Sciences .

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