Katayama Nampu

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Katayama, 1948

Katayama Nampū ( Japanese 堅 山 南風 , actually Katayama Kumaji (堅 山 熊 次); born September 12, 1887 in Kumamoto Prefecture ; died December 30, 1980 ) was a Japanese painter of the Nihonga direction during the Taishō and Shōwa time .

life and work

Katayama Nampū went to Tōkyō in 1910 and became a student of Takahashi Kōkō (高橋 廣 湖; 1875-1912), who in turn had been a student of Matsumoto Fūko (松本 楓 湖; 1840-1923). Originally he was interested in historical subjects, but after the death of his teacher he began to admire the work of Imamura Shikō .

Katayama's work with the title “霜 月 ご ろ” (Shimotsuki goro, In November) won second prize at the 7th Bunter exhibition in 1913 on the recommendation of Yokoyama Taikan and brought him great recognition. From this time on, Katayama participated in the briefly "Inten" exhibitions of the resurrected Nihon Bijutsuin , who accepted him in 1924 as a member. From 1916 to 1917 he traveled to India. In 1929 Katayama worked together with Yokoyama Taikan, Nakamura Gakuryō , Arai Kampō (荒 井 寬 方; 1878-1945) and others on the painting of sliding doors (襖 絵, Fusuma-e) for the Nikkō Tōshō-gū .

In 1958 Katayama became a member of the Academy of Arts . In 1967 he was commissioned to paint the "Neighing Dragon" (鳴 き 竜, Naki-ryū) for the ceiling of the Yakushidō hall of the Rinnō-ji . In 1968 he was named a person with special cultural merits and at the same time was awarded the Order of Culture . Katayama remained very active even in old age and showed his works at the Inten and the Nitten. In March 1975 he traveled to Tahiti with his younger painter friend Matsuo Toshio (松尾 敏男; 1926–2016) and brought back many sketches that he then showed at exhibitions. In 1978 he created wall paintings for the temple of Kōdōyōkan (孝道 教 団 本 仏 殿) in Yokohama.

Katayama was good at landscape painting, the classic "flowers and birds" (花鳥画, Kachō-ga) and portraits. His well-known works include "白 雨" (Haku'u, Durchsonnter Regen; 1951), the portraits (partly posthumously) of his friends "Herr O" (1954), "Mushanokōji Sensei" (1955), 1956 "Yokoyama Taikan Sensei" , "K Sensei" (1961) and "Tokutomi Sensei" (1972).


  1. Shimotsuki is the old Japanese name for the month of November
  2. a b Bunten is the abbreviation for the annual state art exhibition (文 展) for Mombushō bijutsu tenrankai ( 文部省 美術展 覧 会 ) from 1907 to 1918, Teiten ( 帝 展 ) is the abbreviation for follow-up facility (帝国美術展 覧 会 , Teikoku bijutsu- in tenrankai ) between 1919 and 1935. The successor from 1946, no longer state-owned, was called Nitten for ( 日本 美術展 覧 会 , Nihon bijutsu-in tenrankai ).
  3. ^ Okumura Togyu .
  4. ^ Mushanokōji Saneatsu .
  5. Kanayama Heizō .
  6. Tokutomi Sohō .


  • Tazawa, Yutaka: Katayama Nampū . In: Biographical Dictionary of Japanese Art. Kodansha International, 1981. ISBN 0-87011-488-3 .
  • Laurance P. Roberts: Katayama Nampu . In: A Dictionary of Japanese Artists. Weatherhill, 1976. ISBN 0-8348-0113-2 .

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