Czestochowa Cathedral

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Exterior view
Choir room

The Cathedral of Częstochowa or the Cathedral Basilica of the Holy Family ( Polish: Bazylika Archikatedralna Sanktuarium Świętej Rodziny ) is a Roman Catholic church in Częstochowa ( German  Czestochowa ), Poland . The cathedral of the Archdiocese of Częstochowa is dedicated to the Holy Family , it bears the title of a minor basilica and is protected as a cultural monument.


The church was built between 1901 and 1927 as a new parish church in the fast growing city. After a quick start of construction, the work was brought to a provisional conclusion by 1907 due to the growing debt, so that the first fair could be celebrated on December 8, 1908. The final work was interrupted for several years. From 1917 the design of the church was continued, the facade was completed in 1922 and the bell tower was built in 1925. With the creation of the diocese of Częstochowa, the church was elevated to a cathedral in 1925. It was completed in 1927 after simple glazing and relocation of the floors. The equipment was expanded into the 21st century. Pope John XXIII awarded the cathedral the title of minor basilica in 1962. Pope John Paul II visited it in 1979. When the towers were raised, the exterior was completed in 1997.


The church was built from brick according to a design by Konstanty Wojciechowski in neo-Gothic style. A three-aisled basilica rises on a cross-shaped floor plan . With a length and width of 46 meters in the crossing and 32 meters in the nave, it has an inner height of 27 meters, the two towers rise 80 meters high. The square pillars have ribbed vaults . The walls of the transept, the nave and the choir are supported on supporting arches. The bishopric bishops are buried in the chapel of Our Lady of Czestochowa in the crypt built in 1960 .


The monumental high altar was created in the 1950s based on a design by Zygmunt Gawlik. The triptych carved from linden wood shows the Holy Family. The organ was completed by Biernaki in 1949; its 101 stops can be played with four manuals and a pedal . The largest pipe is eight meters long. In 1956 a side choir organ was added, both organs can also be played together. Some stained glass windows were designed by Winiarz and Rosen in 1934 . Further pictures were designed by Tadeusz Wojciechowski from 1958, when the pulpit was also consecrated. Two bells were cast in 1935 and replaced after being melted down during the war in 1950.

Web links

Commons : Częstochowa Cathedral  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. 0885.htm Bazylika Archikatedralna Sanktuarium Świętej Rodziny on (English)
  2. List of cultural monuments (Polish)
  3. a b c Historia (Polish)

Coordinates: 50 ° 48 ′ 32 "  N , 19 ° 7 ′ 37.9"  E