Katholiek Vlaams Hoogstudenten Verbond

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The Katholiek Vlaams Hoogstudenten Verbond (KVHV) (Catholic Flemish Student Association) is an umbrella organization of Catholic Flemish student associations and student associations with e.g. Currently ten local chapters in Flanders .

The association, based in Leuven, has had a friendship agreement with the Cartell Association of German Catholic Student Associations since 1977 and a member of the European Cartel Association (EKV) from 1981 to 2015 .


The KVHV Gent (1887) is the oldest local association and with KVHV Leuven (1902), the mother of all KVHV departments. These local chapters are groups of active, i.e. student, male and female members. They either have a student effect (as a local senior citizens' convention of various Flemish corporations) or a political effect (as an independent corporation with the principles of religio, scientia, amicitia and patria , which sees itself as a Flemish national and conservative Catholic fraternity ).

Nevertheless, students of all Christian denominations and non-believing students can become members. Local associations with a political impact are open to men and women. Local associations with a student effect exist either as pure male corporations , all female corporations or mixed corporations , different from place to place.

In individual cases, local chapters have a political and student effect, such as in Leuven or Ghent .

The KVHV local associations are completely sovereign and independent of one another in their student or political effect. These know a rudimentary convention principle . In fact, the incumbent senior has a great deal of decision-making authority. The cooperation of the local associations is symbolic, administrative and logistical. The local chapters either have no or a very poorly developed old man's federation structure , and there is no real life federation principle .

On July 11, 2008 the national Vergadering (national assembly) of the KVHV-National in Brussels decided to also take up student associations, the association called Katholiek Vlaams Scholierenverbond with z. Z. 5 sections are merged. They were incorporated into the umbrella organization with the status of a local association. Furthermore, the Nationale Vergadering decided to suspend membership in the EKV for the year 2008–2009 and not to appoint a senior gentlemen's association.

Local chapters

There are KVHV local chapters in the following Flemish cities:

Known members (selection)

A list of well-known members with their own Wikipedia entry can be found in the category: Corporated in the KVHV .


  • de Goeyse, Mon : O Vrij-Studentenheerlijkheid . Leuvense Universitaire Pers, Leuven 1987, ISBN 90-6186-251-5 .
  • Bernhard Grün, Christoph Vogel: The Fuxenstunde . Manual of Corporation Studentism. Bad Buchau 2014, p. 212, ISBN 978-3-925171-92-5 .
  • Uytterhoeven R .: Nostalgia Lovaniensis . Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven 2000, ISBN 9058670651 .
  • Vos Louis, Weets Wilfried, (Ed.): Vlaamse vaandels, rode petten . Uitgeverij Pelckmans, Kapellen 2002, ISBN 9028932046 .
  • Huys, Jan, Van de Weyer Stefan: De studentikoze erfenis van Rodenbach . Acco Drukkerij, Leuven 2006.

See also

Web links