Kati Piri

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Kati Piri, 2020

Kati Piri (born April 8, 1979 in Celldömölk , Hungary ) is a Dutch politician of the Partij van de Arbeid .


Piri has been a member of the European Parliament in a social democratic group since 2014 . There she is a member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defense Policy , and is also a member of the delegation to the EU-Ukraine Parliamentary Cooperation Committee and the delegation to the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly.

In November 2016, the Turkish government was not ready to receive Piri in her role as Turkey rapporteur for the EU committee. The President of Parliament, Martin Schulz , wanted to send a delegation to hold talks between the EU and Turkey. However, the Turkish EU minister had informed Schulz that Piri was unwelcome. Therefore Schulz had canceled the trip completely. Elmar Brok , who was a chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, should have belonged to the delegation .

In 2017, the majority of MEPs voted for a suspension of negotiations with the Erdoğan government in Turkey's accession negotiations with the European Union , but not for a permanent break, says Piri.

Does Merkel mean suspension? Or does it want to take away the whole prospect of membership from the Turkish population? That's not something I can agree with. Piri in September 2017

Web links


  1. Piri , Die Zeit , September 14, 2017