Katja Nick

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Katja Nick (born January 31, 1918 as Käthe Denicke ; † March 12, 2006 in Berlin ) was a German lecturer.


Denicke, who called herself Katja Nick (or Kati Nick) at a young age, became known for her talent for speaking and singing backwards without errors. Her talents had already been promoted during her school days, and later she appeared at the front in Norway on behalf of Reich Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels . The former secretary of the Reich Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop and former employee in the Foreign Office became known for her talents in worldwide television shows. In addition to German songs, she also spoke eight foreign languages, which she also spoke backwards. In addition to appearances in Germany with Peter Frankenfeld and Wim Thoelke , she also became known in the Late Show with David Letterman in the USA as well as in Taiwan , Japan and France . When she was over eighty, she appeared on stage and on television.


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