Kazimierz Brown

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Kazimierz Braun (born June 29, 1936 in Mokrsko Dolne ) is a Polish theater director, scholar and teacher.

Braun studied at the Philological Faculty of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan until 1958 and received a diploma from the Warsaw State Theater Institute in 1962 . He made his debut in 1963 as a director at the Danzig Teatrz Wybrzeże with Sławomir Mrożek's plays Strip-Tease , Karola and Na pełnym morzu . In the following years he worked at theaters in Łódź, Lublin and Toruń and directed the Teatrz Wybrzeże . From 1967 to 1972 he was artistic director, then until 1974 also general director of the Juliusz Osterwa Theater in Lublin, then artistic director and director of the Wrocławski Teatr Współczesny . After staging Albert Camus ' The Plague here in 1984 , he was released by the state authorities and emigrated to the USA in 1985.

In the USA he taught at several universities, including the University at Buffalo , the University of Connecticut and the University of Notre Dame, and continued his work as a theater director. The focus of his interest were the pieces by Cyprian Kamil Norwid and Tadeusz Różewicz . He has been working in Poland again since the 1990s, staging David Mamets Oleanna in Poznan in 2002 , Roman Brandstaetter's Upadek kamiennego domu in Tarnow in 2006 and his own play Promieniowanie about the last days of Marie Curie's life . Braun also wrote numerous books on the history and theory of theater and the new theater.


  • Notatki reżysera (1970)
  • Cypriana Norwida teatr bez teatru (1971)
  • Teatr wspólnoty (1972)
  • Nowy teatr na świecie 1960–1970 (1975)
  • Druga reforma teatru? Szkice (1979)
  • Przestrzeń teatralna (1982)
  • Wielka reforma teatru w Europie: Ludzie - Idea Zdarzenia (1984)
  • Nadmiar Teatru (1984)
  • Języki teatru (1989)
  • Teatr polski (1939–1989): Obszary wolności - Obszary zniewolenia (1994)
  • Kieszonkowa historia teatru na świecie (2000)
  • Kieszonkowa historia teatru polskiego (2003)
  • Krótka historia teatru amerykańskiego (2005)
