Kazimierz Karabasz

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Kazimierz Karabasz (* 6. May 1930 in Bydgoszcz , † on the night of August 10 to the 11. August 2018 in Warsaw ) was a Polish documentary filmmaker ; it is considered a classic of the Polish post-war documentary film (" Czarna Seria "). He was a member of the Berlin Academy of the Arts and teacher of the young Krzysztof Kieślowski , with whom he continued to work after the end of his training and whose work he significantly influenced.

The "Karabasz School" - an informal aesthetic doctrine that reached its climax in the 1960s - emphasized an asceticism of realization: the documentarist should avoid any staging, reduce his own intervention in reality to a minimum and, as main characters, be as usual, choose hardly any conspicuous people. Only a sensitive look on the part of the documentarist - and the construction of the film - should turn them into unusual, familiar characters.


In 1956 Karabasz graduated from the Łódź Film School ( Państwową Wyższą Szkołę Filmową Telewysyjna i Teatralna im. Leona Schillera ). Since then he has been working as a documentary filmmaker in the documentary film studios (Wytwórni Filmów Dokumentalnych) in Warsaw . Most recently he made films for the Kronika film studio . He was a professor at the Łódź Film School and author of over 30 documentaries of various lengths and several books devoted to documentary film.

Filmography (a selection)

  • 1960 - Ludzie w drodze
  • 1961 - The musicians
  • 1968 - The year of Frank W. (= Franciszek Wrobel)
  • 1973 - Krystyna M.
  • 1997 - Portret w kropli (autobiographical documentary film)

Works (books)

  • The patient eye ( Cierpliwe oko , Warsaw 1979)
  • Without fiction ( Bez fikcji , Warsaw 1985)
  • Odczytać czas , Łódź 1999


Web links