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School in Kendhoo
School in Kendhoo
Waters Lakkadive Sea ( Indian Ocean )
Geographical location 5 ° 16 '34 "  N , 73 ° 0' 40"  E Coordinates: 5 ° 16 '34 "  N , 73 ° 0' 40"  E
Kendhoo (Maldives)
length 600 m
broad 350 m
resident 870

Kendhoo (South Maalhosmadulu ކެންދޫ) is a small island in the Maldives in the Baa administrative district , in the middle of the north side of the South Maalhosmadulu Atoll on the Moresby Channel (Hani Kandu), which is only two kilometers wide , which connects the South Maalhosmadulu Atoll from the Fasdhūtherē- Atoll separates. It is one of the 13 inhabited islands of the district or one of the nine inhabited islands of the atoll ; In 2014 it had 870 inhabitants.


Kendhoo belongs to the western island chain of the Maldives and is around 134 kilometers from the capital Malé on the main island of the same name, Malé . Kendhoo has a teardrop-like shape with a length of about 600 m and a maximum width of about 350 m. The land area is 14.5 hectares and usually does not rise more than one meter above sea level. There is a small port on the northern edge of the island. Since Kendhoo does not have an airport, both the local population and tourists are transported across the port by boat, for example with a ferry from the Atholhu Ferry Line.

Climate and ecology

Kendhoo has a consistently warm, tropical climate with high humidity. Temperatures rarely drop below 25 ° C, even at night. A rainy monsoon season lasts from May to November.

Like all atolls in the Maldives, the island of Kendhoo is threatened by climate change and the associated global rise in sea levels . Due to the very flat terrain of the island, there is a risk that it will be partially flooded by tsunamis . Such a case occurred after the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake when some houses and parts of the infrastructure of Kendhoo were badly damaged. The neighboring islands of Eydhafushi , Dharavandhoo , Kihaadhoo and Dhonfanu in the Baa district as well as almost all atolls in the Maldives suffered considerable damage. The damage has now been repaired as part of government reconstruction programs with the help of private organizations.

fauna and Flora

The water depth around the island varies with depths between 30 to 80 meters, in the direction of the Indian Ocean there are channels up to 300 meters deep. The most important formations consist of coral reefs and areas of water grass. The coral reefs are home to a wide variety of reef animals, including many coral species, reef-associated fish species and sea turtles. The giant manta ray ( Mobula birostris ) and the whale shark ( Rhincodon typus ) are particularly impressive . Examples of aquatic animals that can also be expected in the waters around Kendhoo can be found in the article South Maalhosmadulu Atoll .


In the Maldives, including on the island of Kendhoo, it was previously common for the local population to catch sea turtles from the sea for sale or as food. In 1995 the government banned the fishing of the rare and now endangered turtles from the sea. However, it failed to prohibit the removal of the eggs. So the turtle eggs were still taken from nature. As a result, nature conservation organizations made a deal with the residents: an urgently needed kindergarten was financed for the task of removing eggs, which was officially handed over to the island's population on June 17, 2004. Since then, the removal of all stages of development has been neglected and the Kendhoo villagers express their full support for the protection of the sea turtles.

Individual evidence

  1. Maledives, Population & Housing Census 2014, p. 34, [1]
  2. Marie Saleem and Shahaama A. Sattar: Study on Post-Tsunami Restoration and Conservation Projects in the Maldives , [2] , IUCN report from February 2009, p. 13, accessed on November 19, 2021
  3. seacology: Construction of a kindergarten in exchange for an agreement banning the harvest of sea turtle eggs , [3] , Island Projects. In: seacology from July 2004, accessed on November 19, 2021