Ceramic stamp from Elsfleth

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The ceramic stamp of Elsfleth in the Wesermarsch district in the Oldenburger Land in Lower Saxony is a settlement find preserved from the silty marsh clay.

The stamp made from an antler bar was used to decorate ceramics . Its length is 10.8 cm. The pattern consists of two strongly notched, concentric circles that were pressed into the plastic clay before a vessel was fired. Ceramics with circular eye decorations are known in particular from burial fields of the most recent times of the emperors and the migration of peoples .

Two other stamps are from the Dorfwurt Feddersen Wierde ( district of Cuxhaven ), but here from an older settlement layer. Devices, jewelry, costume components or tools made of organic material are rarely preserved.

The stamp is in the museum in Oldenburg.


  • Hans-Jürgen Häßler : Prehistory and early history in Lower Saxony . Theiss, Stuttgart 1991, ISBN 3-8062-0495-0 p. 412
  • E. Först: On the settlement history of the river march in the Wesermarsch district . Publications of the prehistoric collections of the Landesmuseum zu Hannover 37. Hildesheim 19