Kerner's lungwort

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Kerner's lungwort
Pulmonaria kerneri IMG 2519.JPG

Kerner's lungwort ( Pulmonaria kerneri )

Euasterids I
Family : Boraginaceae (Boraginaceae)
Subfamily : Boraginoideae
Tribe : Boragineae
Genre : Lung herbs ( pulmonaria )
Type : Kerner's lungwort
Scientific name
Pulmonaria kerneri

The Kerner's lungwort ( Pulmonaria kerneri ) is a member of the predatory leaf family .


The perennial herbaceous plant reaches a height of about 15 to 35 cm. The stem grows upright, the half-stem-encompassing stem leaves are somewhat widened at the base. In the upper inflorescence area, longer glandular hairs usually protrude clearly beyond the other hairs. The dark blue, initially reddish corolla is almost bare on the inside outside the hair ring. The calyx is enlarged at the fruit time, about 9 millimeters wide and 15 millimeters long.

The basal leaves, which are up to 50 centimeters long, are not or only very weakly spotted, are gradually narrowed into the stalk, lanceolate and about three to six times as long as they are wide. They have bristles of the same or slightly different length; Glandular hairs are missing.

Flowering time is from May to June, at lower altitudes already in April.


The Kerner lungwort is endemic to the north-eastern Limestone Alps with occurrences in western Lower Austria, Upper Austria and Upper Styria. It grows scattered to moderately often in light forests, bushes and forest meadows in montane to subalpine altitudes.


  • Manfred A. Fischer , Karl Oswald, Wolfgang Adler: Excursion flora for Austria, Liechtenstein and South Tyrol. 3rd, improved edition. State of Upper Austria, Biology Center of the Upper Austrian State Museums, Linz 2008, ISBN 978-3-85474-187-9 .

Web links

Commons : Kerner lungwort  - album with pictures, videos and audio files