Khälß von Khälßberg

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Khälß von Khälßberg , also Khälß Ritter von Khälßberg , is the name of a noble family that has been active in the salt industry for centuries . Their origin is likely to be in Hallein near Salzburg , where a number of Kälsen are mentioned in documents between 1430 and 1554 as citizens who were active in the salt mining and salt trade. In Styria, Conrad Khälß (1350–1439), Bergmeister zu Aussee , was the first to be recorded.

Several spellings are found for Khälß in documents and writings: Khälß, Kalss, Khälsz, Khalß, Khalss, Kahls, Kahlß, Kählß, Kähls, Käls, Khaels, Khaelß, Kelz, Kehlsz, Khelz and Khälß.


Matthias Khälß, treasurer and secretary of the Archbishop Cardinal Melchior Khlesl in Vienna , was raised to imperial nobility on September 17, 1612 at the instigation of the archbishop and was given a coat of arms. His cousin Georg Khälß († 1619), who was the imperial mountain judge in Eisenerz , and his family were denied the honorary titles and privileges. The Khälß family was already founded by Emperor Friedrich III. , who ruled from 1440 to 1493, was ennobled and received a noble coat of arms at the time. On July 16, 1616, both coats of arms were combined and the entire family was given the name "von Khälßberg".

Matthias Khälß acted with great skill in numerous secret and official missions and negotiations, in the election of the emperor in Frankfurt, various appointments in Hungary and Bohemia, in hereditary tributes in Austria, Silesia and Lusatia as well as in imperial and state parliaments. He has made particular contributions to the drafting of the Turkish peace treaty.

coat of arms

First coat of arms of the von Khälß family
First coat of arms of the von Khälß family
Blazon : “A black shield, in the middle of which, lengthways, with the tip turned forward, a mountain iron is painted in the original color and yellow style. Above that is an iron-colored stech helmet , onbothsides a black and white helmet cover. Above it a royal, golden heather crown, on which two black eagle wings, each provided with a recovery iron, are attached side by side, with the point pointing forward. "
Second coat of arms of the von Khälß family
Second coat of arms of the von Khälß family
Blazon : “A white or silver-colored shield, inside a crowned red or ruby-colored eagle with an outstretched red tongue, spread feet, open wings and tail, looking upright to the right. Above the shield is an open aristocratic tournament helmet, on both sides with a red and white helmet cover and above a yellow or gold-colored royal crown. From this, five ostrich feathers with the upper tips curved inwards appear next to one another, of which the first, third and fifth feathers are red or ruby-colored, the second and fourth white or silver-colored. "
Merging of the first and second coat of arms with an improvement in the coat of arms
Merging of the first and second coat of arms with an improvement in the coat of arms
Blazon : “On the chest of the red eagle, in a black heart shield, is the listed pagan, gold-colored royal crown, through which the vertically positioned mountain iron goes with the point looking to the right. The recovery iron is in the original color. This coat of arms is painted in color in the middle of the imperial letter. "


Pero Alexander plays the role of a foreman by the name of Hannes Kähls von Kählsberg in the German-Austrian film Wetteruchten am Dachstein (1953) .

In 1625 David Khälß was co-founder of the once powerful Innerberg Main Union (predecessor of the Österreichisch-Alpine Montangesellschaft and thus also the voestalpine AG that exists today) with a contribution capital of 16,800 florins .


  • Yearbook of the Imperial Royal Heraldic Society, Adelder New Series, Volumes XXVII and XXVIII (1917/18)
  • Monthly newspaper of Adler Volume X (1926–1930)
  • Karl Friedrich von Frank: Ascension of status and acts of grace for the German Empire and Austrian hereditary countries until 1806, VOLUME III
  • Book Ausseer Land, Franz Hollwöger
  • Austrian State Archives Adelsbrief
  • Styrian State Archives - Family Archives Khälß von Khälßberg, Family (1 K., 16 H.)

Web links

Commons : Khaelss von Khaelssberg  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Khälß von Khälßberg on