Ganja Khanate

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The Khanate Ganja or Gändschä (also Gäncä or Gjandscha ) was a Persian vassal state in Azerbaijan , which existed from 1747 to 1804 . The capital was Gəncə in eastern Azerbaijan. The territory of the khanate was bounded in the north by the Kura River , where it bordered on the Sheki khanate , and in the south it extended to the Karabakh khanate .

Khan Javad's grave in Gəncə


At the time of Nadir Shah of Persia , Ganjah was ruled by governors belonging to the Ziadoglids, a dynasty descended from the Qajars . After Nadir Shah's death, Ganja became an independent khanate under Shakhverdi, who had ruled since 1740.

During the reign of Khan Javad from 1785, the economic and political importance of the Khanate grew. It soon had its own foreign policy, which occasionally took the Persian into account. The Khan ran his own mint in Ganja .

In the run-up to the Russo-Persian War (1804-1813) , the Khan was asked several times by General Pavel Zizianow to submit to Russia, but this refused. From November 20, 1803, a Russian army moved south from Tbilisi . In December the siege of Ganja began. On January 3, 1804, after artillery fire, Zizianov gave the order to attack the fortress. The city was captured and Khan Javad and his sons were killed. The city was renamed Jelisavetpol, after Tsar Alexander's wife Jelisaveta . In 1805 the khanate was dissolved and transformed into the Jelisavetpol district.

Ruler list

  • Ziadoglids
  • 1747–1761 Shah Wardi
  • 1761–1781 Muhammad Hasan
  • Jawanshir dynasty
  • 1781–1784 Ibrahim Khalil
  • Ziadoglids
  • 1784–1786 Hajji Beg
  • 1786 - January 3, 1804 al-Jawad


See also

