Kinau (moon crater)

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Kinau (moon south pole region)
position 60.76 °  S , 14.87 °  O coordinates: 60 ° 45 '36 "  S , 14 ° 52' 12"  O
diameter 42 km
Card sheet 127 (PDF)
Named after Gottfried Adolf Kinau (1814–1887)
Named since 1935
Unless otherwise stated, the information comes from the entry in the IAU / USGS database


The lunar crater Kinau is located on the Earth-facing side of the moon in deep southern latitudes, southeast of the Jacobi crater . It is a small crater that was heavily eroded by later impacts.

The rim of the crater has been badly damaged by later impacts and is covered by two small craters. The crater floor is almost structureless, apart from tiny impact craters.

List of Kinau minor craters
Letter position diameter link
A. 62.26 °  S , 19.92 °  O 34 km [1]
B. 61.66 °  S , 19.1 °  E 8 kilometers [2]
C. 60.72 °  S , 20.51 °  E 30 km [3]
D. 60.69 °  S , 18.49 °  O 26 km [4]
E. 60.24 °  S , 20.17 °  O 7 km [5]
F. 62.22 °  S , 13.36 °  E 10 km [6]
G 61.58 °  S , 12.63 °  E 23 km [7]
H 59.84 °  S , 19.74 °  E 6 km [8th]
J 59.61 °  S , 16.05 °  E 5 km [9]
K 58.63 °  S , 18.1 °  E 9 km [10]
L. 59.34 °  S , 18.73 °  E 10 km [11]
M. 60.64 °  S , 14.28 °  E 11 km [12]
N 61.41 °  S , 15.31 °  E 5 km [13]
P 61.43 °  S , 17.31 °  O 5 km [14]
Q 62.52 °  S , 20.97 °  O 11 km [15]
R. 60.3 °  S , 11.57 °  E 61 km [16]


It was originally listed as Jacobi D by Johann Heinrich Mädler and Wilhelm Beer in their book Der Mond in 1837 . In 1876, Edmund hit Neison (Edmund Neville) in The Moon; and the Condition and Configuration of its Surface to name this crater in honor of the selenographer Kinau. The IAU followed this proposal in 1932.

In 1938 the Historical Department of the British Astronomical Association (BAA) published Who's Who on the Moon . It names a botanist and selenographer CA Kinau, who is said to have been an official on the South Bohemian possessions of the Prince Schwarzenberg and who is said to have published two books on mushrooms and poisonous plants in 1842. This information can also be found in the official lists of the US Geological Survey .

Historians, on the one hand preparing a new edition of Who's Who… and on the other hand preparing independent books on lunar observers, could not find a trace of a botanist Kinau despite a worldwide search. In Kinau's only known article for a long time in Jahn's Weekly Conversations ... he is presented as a candidate for a ministerial office, Kinau, teacher at the boys' school in Schönebeck near Magdeburg . These biographical details clearly lead to the later Suhl pastor Gottfried Adolf Kinau .

At the beginning of April 2007, the namesake CA Kinau in the lists of the US Geological Survey was replaced by Adolph Gottfried Kinau .


  • GA Jahn (ed.): Weekly conversations for amateurs and friends of astronomy, geography and weather studies. 2nd year, No. 25, 1848, ZDB -ID 516614-7 , pp. 201-204.
  • Olaf Kretzer: Gottfried Adolf Kinau: A pastor from Suhl, immortalized on the moon? In: Stars and Space. 10, 2005, ISSN  0039-1263 , p. 84.
  • Robert A. Garfinkel, Bern Pfeiffer: Discovery of the real person behind the name of the lunar crater Kinau. In: Journal of the British Astronomical Association. Vol. 117, 2007, ISSN  0007-0297 , pp. 81-84.

Web links

  • Kinau in the Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature of the IAU (WGPSN) / USGS