Child protection (association)

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Child Protection eV
Child protection Munich.png
purpose Advice and support for young people and their parents in difficult situations
Chair: Anna Laux, Thomas Melles
Establishment date: 1901
Seat : Munich

Child protection e. V. is a child and youth welfare organization founded in Munich in 1901 .

History and present

On March 3, 1901, the association Kinderschutz eV was founded by women and men from Munich to support children and young people in their development. He was under the protectorate of personalities of the House of Wittelsbach , first under your Kgl. Highness Princess Ludwig of Bavaria , later by Her Majesty the Queen of Bavaria . The writer, journalist and publisher Georg Hirth was the founding chairman. In the founding years, the focus of work was on home education, separated into girls and boys, as well as on looking after apprentices in an apprentice home. His successor was the pediatrician Carl Seitz , who headed the association until 1921. The newly founded association was soon able to open an educational institution for girls in Hohenaschau Castle . The premises were made available by Freiherr Theodor Cramer-Klett . This was followed by a generous donation from Marie Countess Wilding de Radali, an educational institution for boys in Niederaltenburg, Weyarn municipality . In 1921 Amalie Nacken became deputy chairwoman. Amalie Nacken, who significantly supported the association's membership in the Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband, established in 1924 , made it possible through a foundation to set up a boys 'home in Munich-Pasing , which ceased operations in 1939, and a girls' home in Dachau . The Amalie Nacken Children's Home named after her was closed in 2010.

A residential group of the association in the north of Munich

In 1936, while maintaining its independence, the association was affiliated with the National Socialist People's Welfare (NSV) and a party member and NSV representative were appointed to the board. Three years later, the rulers placed the association under the supervision of the Lord Mayor of Munich. During the Second World War , bombing raids destroyed the office. After 1945, Kinderschutz e. V. provided organizational, personal and financial support through the Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband . His main task was to take on guardianship for children and young people who had lost their parents in the chaos of war. At the first general meeting after the Second World War, on October 7, 1948, a change of name was decided. From then on the association Kinderschutz und Mutterschutz e. V. A corresponding amendment to the statutes stipulated that in future the association will also offer advice and care to mothers who have often already been employed and their children in difficult life situations. In 1952, a mother convalescent facility was opened in Siegsdorf with funds from the Elly Heuss Knapp Foundation . In 2008 the general meeting decided to change the name again. After 60 years, the association returned to its original name from 1901: Kinderschutz e. V.

The association is non-partisan and non-denominational and today has around 500 permanent employees in 50 institutions in and around Munich.

Fields of activity

The offers of inpatient youth welfare have changed significantly after the Second World War. However, the need for supplementary family care and care for children and young people "around the clock" is as relevant as it was then.

Today the association is active in the following areas:

  • Outpatient educational assistance
  • Assisted living arrangements
  • Social work in schools
  • Inpatient educational offers
  • Animal-assisted education offers
  • Semi-stationary offers
  • Sexual abuse counseling
  • Migration - Refugees
  • Social and spatial offers for children, families and the neighborhood
  • guardianship
  • Legal support
  • Psychosocial process support
  • Day care centers

Chair of the honorary board of directors

  • 1901–1902: Georg Hirth
  • 1902–1921: Carl Seitz
  • 1921–1934: Josef Meier
  • 1934–1940: Friedrich Ehrlicher
  • 1945–1950: Elisabeth Schweitzer
  • 1951–1954: Anna Endres
  • 1954–1965: Richard Messerer
  • 1965–1977: Kurt Seelmann
  • 1977–1979: Ingeborg Massinger
  • 1979: FJ Wittmann
  • 1980–1999: Günther Speckner
  • 1999–2011: Gernot Wiegand

At the beginning of 2012 the club structure was changed. The association is presided over by an executive board and a voluntary supervisory board elected by the members.


The association is primarily financed by public funds and pursues exclusively and directly non-profit and charitable purposes for the benefit of the general public.

Web links