King Point

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King Point
JoinvilleIsland Terra MODIS.jpg
Joinville Island (center) with V-shaped Ambush Bay (center right) and King Point on the left side of the bay
Geographical location
King Point (Antarctic Peninsula)
King Point
Coordinates 63 ° 10 ′  S , 55 ° 29 ′  W Coordinates: 63 ° 10 ′  S , 55 ° 29 ′  W
location Joinville Island ( Joinville Islands , West Antarctica )
Waters Bransfield Street
Waters 2 Ambush Bay

The King Point is a headland on the northern coast of West Antarctic Joinville Island . It marks the western limit of the entrance to Ambush Bay .

The cape was discovered on December 30, 1842 during the Antarctic expedition (1839-1843) of the British polar explorer James Clark Ross . Ross named it after Captain (later Rear Admiral ) Phillip Parker King (1791-1856), who made decisive contributions to the coastal mapping of Australia and South America.

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