Church Province of Berlin

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Church Province of Berlin
Basic data
Country Germany
Metropolitan bishopric Archdiocese of Berlin
Suffragan dioceses Görlitz
Metropolitan Heiner Koch
surface 57.867 km²
Parishes 269
Residents 11,257,188
Catholics 573,679
proportion of 5.1%
Diocesan priest 540
Religious priest 144
Catholics per priest 839
Permanent deacons 41
Friars 202
Religious sisters 843

The ecclesiastical province of Berlin is an ecclesiastical province of the Roman Catholic Church in Germany .


The ecclesiastical province extends over large areas in the east of East Germany . It includes Berlin , Western Pomerania , large parts of Saxony , almost all of Brandenburg and smaller parts in the east of Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia . In terms of area, the Archdiocese of Berlin forms the largest part of the ecclesiastical province: it extends from Niederlausitz to the Baltic Sea coast .


The following dioceses belong to the ecclesiastical province of Berlin:



Since the Protestant kings of Prussia did not tolerate Catholic bishops in their capital, a diocese could only be established in Berlin after the abolition of the monarchy and the establishment of the Weimar Republic . On June 27, 1994, Pope John Paul II raised the diocese of Berlin to an archbishopric with the suffragan dioceses of Dresden-Meißen and Görlitz through the Apostolic Constitution Certiori christifidelium . Today it is one of the traditional cardinal seats in Germany, next to Cologne , Munich and Freising .


See also