Church province Bamberg

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Church province Bamberg
Basic data
Country Germany
Metropolitan bishopric Archdiocese of Bamberg
Suffragan dioceses Eichstatt
Metropolitan Ludwig Schick
surface 30.738 km²
Parishes 1,538
Residents 5,587,887
Catholics 2,652,014
proportion of 47.5%
Diocesan priest 1,604
Religious priest 498
Catholics per priest 1,262
Permanent deacons 253
Friars 785
Religious sisters 3,310

The ecclesiastical province of Bamberg is an ecclesiastical province of the Roman Catholic Church in Germany .


The ecclesiastical province is not geographically related. With the dioceses of Bamberg , Eichstätt and Würzburg, the largest part comprises the Bavarian part of Franconia and the northernmost part of Upper Bavaria . The other part of the province forms the diocese of Speyer , which includes the Palatinate (Bavaria) in Rhineland-Palatinate , as well as eastern parts of the Saarland .


The following dioceses belong to the ecclesiastical province of Bamberg:



At the Imperial Synod in Frankfurt (Main), which began on November 1, 1007, King Heinrich II obtained the establishment of the Bamberg diocese from parts of Würzburg and Eichstätt . The diocese was directly subordinate to Rome ( exemt ), but formally belonged to the ecclesiastical province of Mainz . After secularization , the diocese became the seat of an archbishop and metropolitan due to the Bavarian Concordat of 1817. The bishoprics of Eichstätt, Speyer and Würzburg were assigned to the Metropolie Bamberg as suffragan dioceses.


See also