Klaus Trittin

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Klaus Trittin (born November 12, 1923 in Delmenhorst ; † November 25, 1998 in Bremen- Vegesack ) was a German manager .


Trittin, son of a bank director in Delmenhorst, signed up for the Waffen SS in 1941 when he was 17 years old . In 1942 he joined the NSDAP . He was wounded in the war and was SS-Obersturmführer at the end of the war. In 1945, as leader of the SS combat group Trittin at the mouth of the Vistula , he was taken prisoner by the Soviets , from which he was released in 1950. Its role during the time of National Socialism was confirmed by media reports and others. a. known to the general public in Stern und Focus .

After 1950, Trittin made a career in business. He was the managing director of the Bremen rope factory . In addition, he was the authorized signatory of the Kleine Wolke textile company and the Classic household appliances GmbH.


Trittin was married to Helene Trittin (born 1933) and is the father of the politician Jürgen Trittin and of Uwe and Anke Trittin. He took a critical look at his own role during the Nazi era. He spoke openly with Jürgen Trittin about his Nazi past. a. during a joint visit to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp memorial .

He died at the age of 75 after heart surgery.

Literature (selection)

  • Hans Jürgen Pantenius: Last Battle on the Eastern Front - From Döberitz to Danzig . Augsburg 2006.
  • Wolfgang Schiller: A little heap believed lost - The Trittin combat group in the Vistula lowlands in 1945.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The Nazi family history of politicians - Jürgen Trittin. Sueddeutsche.de, January 11, 2013, accessed on March 19, 2017 .
  2. Dagmar von Taube: Jürgen is completely different. In: welt.de . March 17, 2001, Retrieved October 7, 2018 .