Klaus Vondung

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Klaus Vondung (born July 16, 1941 in Ulm ) is a German German philologist and cultural scientist .


Vondung attended the Schubart-Gymnasium in Ulm and received the Scheffel Prize for his Abitur in 1960 . He studied German, history, political science and philosophy at the University of Tübingen (SS 1960-SS 1961) and the University of Munich (from WS 1961/62). In Munich he passed the state examination in 1965/66; in winter semester 1968/69 he was at Hermann Kunisch Dr. phil. PhD (second reviewer Eric Voegelin ). After teaching at the Philosophical Faculty II at the University of Munich, he spent two years at Stanford University , California, on a research grant from the German Research Foundation . Habilitation: Modern German literary history and general literary studies. Central research areas: interfaces between literature, politics and religion.

From 1976 until his retirement in 2006, Vondung was Professor of German Studies / Modern Literature at the University of Siegen . During this time he was Dean (1979–1980), Vice Rector for Studies and Teaching (1983–1985) and Spokesperson for the Graduate School “Communication Forms as Forms of Life” (1992–1995). He headed several research projects funded by the Volkswagen Foundation, including the project “Millennium: Fears and Visions” (1998–2000), as well as the “Mysticism and Modernity” project (2003–2006) as part of the “Key Topics in the Humanities” program, together with K. Ludwig Pfeiffer. Vondung was visiting professor at the University of Florida (1979), the University of Houston (1990), Kansai University, Osaka (1991, 2011, 2012), and Kwansei Gakuin University, Nishinomiya (1997, 2002). In 2007 he was made an honorary visiting professor at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, and has been there several times since then. In the years 2006–2018 he was also a member of the jury for the award of the literature scholarship of the Märkische Kulturkonferenz.

Publications (selection)

  • Magic and manipulation. Ideological cult and political religion of National Socialism . Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 1971
    • Japanese translation: Nachizumu to Shukusai. Kokka shakai shugi no ideorogi teki saigi to seiji teki shukyo . Tokyo: Miraisha Press 1988
  • Völkisch-national and National Socialist literary theory . Munich: List 1973
  • The Wilhelmine educated middle class. On the social history of his ideas (ed.). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 1976
  • War experience. The First World War in the literary design and symbolic interpretation of nations (ed.). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 1980
  • German Literary History: Nineteenth Century (with Karl Riha ). Düsseldorf: Schwann 1980
  • The apocalypse in Germany . Munich: dtv 1988
    • English translation: The Apocalypse in Germany . Columbia and London: University of Missouri Press 2000
  • Open at the beginning. Literary transitions into the 21st century (with Natalie Binczek and Nicola Glaubitz). Heidelberg: C. Winter 2002
  • Beyond the disenchanted world. Natural science and mysticism in the modern age (Ed. With K. Ludwig Pfeiffer ). Munich: Fink 2006
  • German ways to salvation. Forms of the Religious in National Socialism . Munich: Fink 2013
    • English translation: Paths to Salvation. The National Socialist Religion . South Bend: St. Augustine's Press 2019
  • Apocalypse without end . Heidelberg: Winter 2018

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