Klaus Weller

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Klaus Weller (born December 25, 1954 in Hamburg ) is a German filmmaker, cameraman, dramaturge and lecturer.


Klaus Weller is the son of an architect and a shoe retailer. In 1974 he graduated from high school Bismarckschule in Elmshorn, then his civil service in various institutions of the DPWV Hanover. He began training as a camera assistant at NDR in Hanover and produced his first short films on Super 8 and 16mm film.

After 6 semesters of studying political science and German at the University of Hanover, he completed the Visual Communication course at the University of Kassel, in the Film and Animated Film Department. He then moved to Hamburg, where he worked as a director and cameraman for commercials and made other short films. After a dramatic additional training, he worked for years as a freelance writer-editor for the main editorial teleplay radio station ZDF .

In 1997 Klaus Weller founded the script workshop Hamburg eV to plan, organize and support dramaturgy and script seminars. In 2004 he founded the production company films4you for the production of short and advertising films. Also in 2004 he founded the non-profit association Jugendfilm eV , in which professionals instruct children and young people to make their own films. With Jugendfilm eV he made over 300 short films that received over 100 prizes and awards at national and international festivals and competitions.

Works (selection)

Short films

  • 1981: The man who stuck out his tongue at the city manager, 16mm, slapstick, 7 min., Predicate: "valuable"
  • 1982: Eiapopeia, experimental film, 16mm, 1 min., Rating: “valuable”, distributor: SCOTIA + Inter Nationes
  • 1985: ... tidied up, 16mm, documentation, 7 min., Predicate: "particularly valuable"
  • 1986: ABC, 16mm, animated film, 4 min., Hamburger Filmbüro
  • 1987: The human being is abolished (together with Achim Amme ), 16mm, music video, 3 min., SBS TV
  • 1987: Stand Aside (together with Kazimierz Bendkowski), 16mm, music video, 3 min., Nomination for the German Camera Prize
  • 1988: Gold, 16 + 35mm, animated film, 4 min., Rating: “particularly valuable” Distributor: Tobis Filmkunst
  • 1991: Capriccio, 16mm, animated film, 3 min., Rating: “valuable”, distributor: SCOTIA
  • 1992: Hojotoho, 35mm, animated film, 3 min., Rating: “valuable”, production: Premiere Medien GmbH
  • 1995: The story of Ludwig, 16mm, documentation, 29 min., Predicate: "valuable"
  • 2005: Da pecuniam, HD, Spot, 1 min., 8 prizes and awards
  • 2006: Welcome to Santa Fu !, HD, documentation, 29 min., Excerpts from N3, Prize Alliance for Democracy and Tolerance
  • 2010: Children in power, HD, anarcho comedy, 5 min., 1st prize of the YOUKI jury
  • 2010: Power of Fate, HD, melodrama, 10 min., 1st prize from the Dithmarscher Short Film Festival jury
  • 2013: A bit funny, HD, action comedy, 3 min., Best Movie 5th Festival Internacional PEQUENO CINEASTA, Rio de Janeiro
  • 2013: Balancing (script + production management), 5K, drama, 3 min., Filmförderung Hamburg-Schleswig-Holstein GmbH
  • 2015: Bimbo, HD422, Social Spot, 11 min., BASFI funding program "City with Courage"
  • 2018: My embarrassing mother, HD422, comedy, 4 min., "Goldfish" FiSH film festival in Rostock city harbor
  • 2019: Then and Now, 8mm, 2K + 5K, music video (poetry + music: Achim Amme ), 5 min.


  • 1992: Screenplay As long as I live (together with Achim Amme ), thriller drama, Lower Saxony cultural film funding, author's contract with Rowohlt Verlag GmbH
  • 1998: Script Death Makes You Inventive (together with Frank Sauerland), thriller comedy, Filmförderung Hamburg-Schleswig-Holstein GmbH
  • 2000: Script December Kisses (together with Gabriel Bornstein), thriller melodrama, filmed by Full House Film, world sales: LifeSize Ent. United States
  • 2002: Script Der Teufelsbraten (together with Gabriel Bornstein), comedy, Filmförderung Hamburg-Schleswig-Holstein GmbH, author's contract with Rowohlt Verlag GmbH
  • 2003: Script paper pirates (together with Christina Schindler ), animated film, Kuratorium Junge Deutscher Film + BKM
  • 2014: Script Hartz IV Gangster (together with Gabriel Bornstein), ghetto drama, Filmförderung Hamburg-Schleswig-Holstein GmbH
  • 2015: Non-fiction book Film School, 230 pages, Herbert von Halem Verlag, Cologne 2015

Awards (selection)

  • 1982: Audience Award Filmothek der Jugend - Oberhausen, for the slapstick film The man who stuck out his tongue at the city director
  • 1985: Audience Award Filmothek der Jugend - Oberhausen, for the documentary Die Geschichte von Ludwig
  • 1986: 1st prize, Hamburg short film festival, for the documentation ... tidied up
  • 1989: Predicate "particularly valuable" for the animated film Gold
  • 1990: Predicate "particularly valuable" for the documentation ... cleaned up
  • 1999: Corporate Media Award (camera), for the industrial film the other day in the Flensburg brewery
  • 2001: Winner of the crime fiction exchange of " Tatort Eifel " for the exposé of the thriller melodrama Snow of Today
  • 2004: Silver Remi Award, Worldfest Houston for the thriller melodrama December Kisses (screenplay, camera, production management)
  • 2005: Prize from Hamburg 1 + audience prize at the Hamburger Jugendmediale for the spot Da pecuniam!
  • 2006: Best Film 1 Minute, KIDS FOR KIDS - CIFEJ and Camera Zizanio - Olympia Festival, for the spot Da pecuniam!
  • 2007: Prize, Alliance for Democracy and Tolerance, for the documentation Welcome to Santa Fu!
  • 2011: 1st prize of the jury, Dithmarscher Kurzfilmfest, for the melodrama Power of Fate
  • 2011: YOUKI Austria, 1st prize of the jury for children in power
  • 2012: 2nd prize of the jury + audience award, Dithmarscher short film festival, for the documentary love - what is that?
  • 2015: Best Movie, 5th Festival Internacional Pequeno Cineasta, Rio de Janeiro for the action comedy Bit funny
  • 2019: Goldfish, FiSH film festival in Rostock city harbor for the comedy My embarrassing mother

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://drehbuchwerkstatt-hamburg.de/Drehbuchwerkstatt/Dozenten.html
  2. films4you
  3. http://jugendfilm-ev.de Jugendfilm eV Making films with children and young people
  4. http://www.youki.at/archiv/index.php?m=44&l=de
  5. https://kunstgriff.de/kunstgriff-rolle/filmpreistraeger/
  6. https://fish-festival.de/die-preistraeger-des-fish-2019/