Small Labussee

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Small Labussee
KleinerLabussee 20150630.JPG
Small Labussee
Geographical location Mecklenburg Lake District
Tributaries Dig from the south
Drain Canal in the Great Labussee
Places on the shore Settlement at the Labussee
Location close to the shore Wesenberg (Mecklenburg)
Coordinates 53 ° 17 '36 "  N , 12 ° 56' 33"  E Coordinates: 53 ° 17 '36 "  N , 12 ° 56' 33"  E
Little Labussee (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania)
Small Labussee
Altitude above sea level 57.5  m above sea level NHN
surface 15 ha
Template: Infobox See / Maintenance / EVIDENCE AREA

The Kleine Labussee (also known locally as Kleiner Labus ) is a lake in the western district of Mecklenburg Lake District , Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, and is located about 1.5 kilometers northwest of the village of Wesenberg within the area of ​​the municipality of the same name.

The Kleiner Labussee connects to the south of the Großer Labussee and is connected to it by a ditch. The lake is a maximum of 780 meters long and up to 390 meters wide. On the south bank there is a settlement with a family and holiday park further to the east, while the forest area of ​​the Quassower Tannen is to the east of the lake .

See also


  • Rooster, Ridder, Grapevine; Amt Wesenberg [Hrsg.]: Wesenberg, a piece of Mecklenburg Lake District (1992)

Web links

Commons : Kleiner Labussee  - Collection of images, videos and audio files