Klemensas Rimšelis

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Klemensas Rimšelis, 2010

Klemensas Rimšelis (born August 4, 1958 in Kaunas ) is a Lithuanian manager and liberal politician .


After graduation in 1976 at the Salomėja-Neris - Sportmittelschule he graduated in 1982, the diploma in mechanics at Kauno politechnikos institutas (KPI). In 1993 and 1997 he continued his education in the USA and in 1994 in the Netherlands . From 1984 to 1990 he was a research assistant at the "Vibrotechnika" research center of the KPI. From 1990 he was a deputy in the council of the municipality of Kaunas , 1992 deputy chairman of the city council, from 1995 to 1997 a member of the council. From 2000 to 2004 he was a member of the Seimas . Since 2010 he has headed the Sports Department of the Government of Lithuania .

From 1988 was a member of Sąjūdis , from 1994 the Lietuvos liberalų sąjunga , from 2003 the Liberalų ir centro sąjunga .


Rimšelis is married. With his wife Jolanta he has the children Kasparas and Adomas.

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