Klinger Ridge

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Klinger Ridge
Topographic map (1: 250,000) with Jenkins Heights and the Klinger Ridge at the base of the Martin Peninsula (below)

Topographic map (1: 250,000) with Jenkins Heights and the Klinger Ridge at the base of the Martin Peninsula (below)

location Marie Byrd Land , West Antarctica
part of Jenkins Heights
Klinger Ridge (Antarctica)
Klinger Ridge
Coordinates 74 ° 43 ′  S , 114 ° 0 ′  W Coordinates: 74 ° 43 ′  S , 114 ° 0 ′  W
surface 40 km²

Klinger Ridge is an icy mountain ridge on the Bakutis coast of Marie-Byrd Land in western Antarctica . It extends as the foothills of Jenkins Heights south of the Martin Peninsula in a northeastern direction.

The United States Geological Survey mapped it based on its own surveys and aerial photographs of the United States Navy from 1959 to 1967. The Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names named it after Charles Klinger, aurora researcher and scientific director of the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station in the Antarctic winter of 1973 .

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