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Kodammen (also called KODAM) is the residue of a dolmen that looks like a collection of boulders , at the edge of Ådalen, about west of Nørager in Jutland Djursland in Denmark .

The chamber consists of a large stone in the north, the side stones in the west and east and a stone in the south. The inside of the chamber measures approximately 1.5 × 1.5 m. The external dimensions are approximately 4.2 × 3.0 m. One of the side blocks was not moved, but was transported to this point by glaciers . The rest of the chamber was built around him. There is a bowl-shaped depression on the north side of the end stone .

In 1964, the chamber, which is on private property and not accessible, was examined.

See also


  • Peter V. Glob : prehistoric monuments of Denmark Wachholtz, Neumünster 1967.
  • Poul Henning Jensen: Nature and culture guide for Århus County. Aarhus County, Aarhus 1997, ISBN 87-90099-21-4 .
  • Karsten Kristiansen: På tur i Djurslands Fortid. Århus Amt - Landskabkontoret, Århus 1991 (Revideret, 3rd oplag. Ibid. 2002, ISBN 87-7906-246-6 ).
  • Carsten Paludan-Müller: Stenaldergrave omkring Randers - otte Landskaber med Tidsdybde In: Årbog 1996 Kulturhistorisk Museum Randers p. 44 ff ISBN 87-88732-09-6
  • Jakob Vedsted: Fortidsminder og Kulturlandskab. En kildekritisk analysis af tragtbaegerkulturens found material from Norddjursland. Forlaget Skippershoved, Ebeltoft 1986, ISBN 87-981329-5-4 .

Web links

Coordinates: 56 ° 28 ′ 21.2 "  N , 10 ° 28 ′ 6.6"  E