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Kololak is a meat dish in Armenian cuisine .

Two different dishes have become known under the name Kololak.

Kololaks from ground beef , also known as Simple Kololaks called, is prepared from finely minced meat of beef , sheep and pig ago. For the roast mass you mix this with onions and spices . Typical shapes are walnut-sized dumplings and cigar-shaped chopsticks. These are breaded and fried in butter. As a snack option, the meat portions are roasted on skewers or put on them after roasting .

  • Schiraker Kololak : shape a mince made of sheep meat into sticks and fry. Then bake in the oven together with seasoned tomatoes .
  • Airarater Kololak : shape a mince made of sheep meat into dumplings and flour. Then fry and then baste with tomato sauce .

Most of the classic variants are soufflé- like Kololaks. These are only made from beef. The freshly slaughtered muscle meat is pounded into a dough. This mass is seasoned with salt , pepper and brandy or vodka . When it is viscous, add eggs , milk , flour and herbs . Depending on the region, this mince is used differently.

  • Kololak Gecharkuni : cooked meatballs with wheat barley porridge
  • Ashtraraker Kololak : wrap a prepared chicken with the minced meat, wrap it with a linen cloth and poach it in meat stock . Enema soup with rice is served as a side dish.

See also


  • WW Pochljobkin: National cuisines. The culinary art of the Soviet peoples . 2nd Edition. Publishing house Mir, Moscow; Verlag für die Frau, Leipzig 1988, ISBN 3-7304-0053-3 .