Colonial library

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Die Kolonial-Bücherei (subtitle: Experiences and adventures of brave, daring Germans in our colonies, in distant lands and on distant seas ) was a German booklet series that was published in 88 editions from 1940 to 1942 by Steiniger-Verlage, Berlin.

The medium-format booklets were written by different authors and each comprised 32 pages with usually six to seven black and white drawings; the selling price was 20 pfennigs . Like the series War Library of German Youth and Adventure Library , which was also published by Steiniger , the production was financed by the NSDAP for propaganda purposes . The NSDAP / AO , the High Command of the Navy and the Reichsbund deutscher Seegeltung acted as editors . Due to a lack of paper, the series appears to have been discontinued in 1942.

Topics and authors

The series dealt with historical events; the thematic focus was on the history of the German colonies from 1884 to 1918 including the fighting in the colonies in the First World War . The geographical focus was on German South West Africa and German East Africa . Exceptions were z. B. Issues such as The "Emden" last battle (No. 29) and The "Erlangen" in the South Seas (No. 13), in which the sinking of the small cruiser Emden off the Cocos Islands in 1914 and the voyage of the steamer Erlangen in the South Seas 1939 were told. A good dozen issues alone can be assigned to the titles after the Herero uprising in 1904.

The authors such as B. Gino Forst von Moellwitz, Eugen von Saß or Viktor Helling were veterans who had already been active in the classic adventure genre and apparently used the existing memoirs and non-fiction books on colonial history or the history of the First World War as a template. So it can be assumed that Eugen von Sass' title you remained undefeated. From the heroic struggle of Lettow-Vorbeck in German East Africa (No. 78), which has the addition According to sources told , which Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck's memoir used.

The draftsmen of the series were largely identical to the draftsmen of the war library of the German youth .

According to Galle, the series was "almost a ... normal series of adventures" if it had not been provided with set pieces of National Socialist ideology . So far nothing is known about their reception.

Title of the issue

  1. Fred Schmidt : The five from the "Windhuk". Across the ocean in a lifeboat. The oral report of the third officer of the "Windhuk", G. Albrecht, retold.
  2. Walter Schulz: Rhino fishing on Kilimanjaro. An animal trapping expedition for the Egyptian government.
  3. Johann Peter Breul: Escape from Rio. Dragged overboard by the English in Gibraltar.
  4. Karl Däbritz: Dynamite for the Uganda Railway. A hussar piece of our protection force.
  5. Jan Pieter Grove (di: Eduard Kurt Christophé): Retribution for Dar es Salaam. Cruiser "Königsberg" destroys the British warship "Pegasus".
  6. Hans Jürgen Hauptmann: The silent house in the steppe. Two Germans in the fight against Hereros.
  7. Ursula Zock: The night on the crocodile river.
  8. Eduard C. Christophé: The magician of Dorovambo. A German reveals the secret of Brovius.
  9. Karl Däbritz: Tanga remains ours.
  10. Peter Steffan: Escape through Africa's sky.
  11. Pieter ter Voorst (di: Franz Friedrich Oberhauser): To the last bottle of water. Fate in German Southwest.
  12. Kurt Sobota: The King of the Jungle. Looking for pygmy elephants.
  13. Vendelin Brugg (di: Franz Friedrich Oberhauser): The "Erlangen" in the South Pacific. Without coal to Chile. Freely retold from the captain's authentic notes.
  14. Carl Däbritz: Van Geldern, the traitor. Fight at the Kenya border.
  15. AA Knauß: In the shadow of Ruwenzori. Factual report about the adventurous escape of three Germans across Africa.
  16. Friedrich J. Bernhard (di: Friedrich Breker): "Black hands, white drums". The suppression of a negro revolt in the Congo Basin.
  17. AA Knauß: Dakar was hell. Factual report on the capture of three Germans by a French submarine.
  18. Jan Pieter Grove (di: Eduard Kurt Christophé): "Albatros" fighting cannibals. Punitive expedition of a German cruiser in the South Seas.
  19. Otfrid von Hanstein : The messenger rider from Omaruru. Fate of German farmers during the Herero uprising in the southwest.
  20. Rolf Neumann: In a dugout against whales. Hunting with natives off the coast of Africa.
  21. Friedrich J. Bernhard: Standgericht am Njassa.
  22. Gerhard K. Cheret: Battle for Bagamojo. The suppression of the Negro uprising in German East Africa by Wissmann.
  23. Wilhelm Schremmer: Against gorillas in Cameroon. A hunting experience in the primeval forests of Central Africa.
  24. Christian Kladt: The shipyard in the jungle. The heroic commitment of the first lieutenant z. S. Rosenthal fighting for Lake Tanganyika. Fact report based on the records of the commander of the "Seagull" Captain z. S. room.
  25. Bernhard Matuschka: Water for Taveta. A divining rod brings rescue in extreme danger. Factual report.
  26. Carl GP Henze: The first aircraft over German Southwest. Adventure of a German aviator in the African bush.
  27. Friedrich Elarth: Gun thunder over the Tanganyika. Factual report on the action of the "Seagull" crew in East Africa.
  28. Hanns Michael: Assault in the Lebombo Mountains.
  29. Gerhard K. Cheret: The "Emden" last battle. The hero fight of the German cruiser in the Indian Ocean.
  30. Friedrich J. Bernhard: In the claws of the leopard men. Fight against a mysterious Negro sect in the Congo.
  31. Walther Schreiber: The diver from Manono. Peter Stilling returns to Samoa.
  32. Carl GP Henze: With "L 59" to Africa. The 96-hour journey of the German naval airship from a Bulgarian airship port to Chartum and back in 1917. Factual report.
  33. EWA Reinhart (di: Reinhart Eggert): In the jungle ruins of Africa. Experiences of two Germans in Gedi, Kenya. Factual report.
  34. Carl GP Henze: Plüschow about Tsingtau. The first German naval aviator in the Far East. Factual report after personal discussions with chap. Lt. Plüschow.
  35. Christian Klaadt (di: Heinz Halter): Carl Peters in German East. The fate of the great German colonial pioneer.
  36. Friedrich J. Bernhard (di: Friedrich Breker): The unknown from Timbonke. Among the gold panners in New Guinea.
  37. Paul Leutwein: Battle for the Onjatiberge. Governor Leutwein's last campaign. Factual report from the Herero war.
  38. Armin Schluckwerder: Ten months prisoner of war in Morocco. The fate of a group of African Germans during the current war.
  39. Eduard C. Christophé: Weather lights on Manga-maloba. Dr. Nachtigal takes possession of Cameroon for Germany. Factual report.
  40. Bernhard Faust: Seven against five hundred. The heroic defense of the Namutoni Stronghold.
  41. Gino F. von Moellwitz: Under the spell of the Ogliwak. The unmasking of the magician from Rudolfsee.
  42. Christian Klaadt (di: Heinz Halter): German advance on the Nile. The "Pasha" company on the Palestine Front in 1916.
  43. O. (di: Martin) Knobloch: The last cartridge. Surrounded by lions in the African bush. Factual report.
  44. Paul Leutwein: Hereros to arms. The suppression of the uprisings in German South West Africa in 1904.
  45. Otfrid von Hanstein: Gunboat "Eber" off Samoa. A German seaman experiences the fighting for Apia.
  46. Gino F. von Moellwitz: Shots at the Logone. Factual report from the fighting of the German protection force in Cameroon. 1914-1916.
  47. Hans P. Larsen (di: Hans Gathmann): Noise of battle in the Sincene Gorge. Factual report from the Boers' struggle for freedom against English tyranny.
  48. Bernd Ravensburg (di: Friedrich Breker): Among pygmies in the Congo. Experiences of a German geometer in the wetlands of the Congo.
  49. Pieter Wimband (di: Gerhard K. Cheret): Threatening clouds over Samoa. From the fighting of the German colony in Apia 1898/99.
  50. Wilhelm Kreuz (di: Walter Schreiber): On an elephant hunt in Sudan. Karl Hagenbeck on animal trapping in Africa. Factual report.
  51. G. Prange (di: Gertrud Ludwig): Ride to Swakopmund. Among farmers and diamond seekers in the southwest.
  52. Eduard C. Christophé: With the "Seagull" in the Atlantic. The first patrol of the auxiliary cruiser in the winter of 1915/16.
  53. HP Larsen (di: Hans Gathmann): The King's Crown at the Blaukranzbach. From the Boers' struggle for freedom. Factual report.
  54. Hans Lehr : Assault on Fort Naulila. From the fighting of the German protection force for German Southwest.
  55. Paul O. Erttmann: The night of horrors on the Omuramba. Story from the great rainy season in German South West Africa.
  56. Gino F. von Moellwitz: Post Kusseri struggles. Factual report from the fighting of the German protection force in Cameroon 1914/16.
  57. Gino F. von Moellwitz: The heroes of the Moraberge. Captain von Raben defends North Cameroon.
  58. Victor Helling: In the thunder of Victoria Falls. The journeys of the German doctor and researcher Emil Holub from Cape Town to the Zambezi. Factual report based on authentic sources.
  59. Hans Lehr: The slave hunter of Tabora. Factual report from German East Africa.
  60. Gino F. von Moellwitz: The wells poisoned! The German protection force fighting for the defense of Cameroon 1914/15. Factual report.
  61. Wilhelm Kreuz (di: Walter Schreiber): With the echo sounder into Tierra del Fuego. The Atlantic expedition of the German research vessel "Meteor".
  62. Kurt Renck-Reichert: The attack on the Black Nossob. German outpost in Hererolande.
  63. Wilhelm Kreuz (di: Walter Schreiber): On big game hunting in Africa. CG Schilling's experiences with rhinos, elephants and lions.
  64. Peter Wendling: The last voyage of the “Nachtigal”. Experience report on the use of the German government steamer on the Cameroon River at the beginning of the world war.
  65. Eduard C. Christophé: The Prince of the Forest of Loango. Factual report from an expedition by the German researcher Adolf Bastian to the Loango coast.
  66. Paul Leutwein: Boilers on the Waterberg. Factual report on the Herero War in German South West Africa.
  67. Eugen von Sass: The hero struggle of the "Königsberg".
  68. Eugen Hobein: As a Digger at Port Nolloth. The fate of a German diamond seeker.
  69. Gino F. von Moellwitz: Lightning Massai spears. A story from German East Africa.
  70. Hugo Gissel: The horror of Block 27. An adventurous hunting story.
  71. Eugen von Sass: Patrol trip in the coral waters. An excerpt from the battles for German East Africa.
  72. Ulf Uweson (di: Ludwig Hugo Nikolaus Huber): Lost in Africa. From the life of the first German Africa explorer Friedrich Hornemann.
  73. Otfrid von Hanstein: The planter from Londip. According to reports from a Lloyd captain and the widow of the governor Boluminski on Neumecklenburg in the South Seas.
  74. Gino F. von Moellwitz: Among the slave hunters of Sudan. A factual report from Dr. Gustav Nachtigals.
  75. Ulrich Hansen: As the first on Kilimanjaro. The first ascent of Kilimanjaro by Dr. Hans Meyer and Ludwig Purtscheller in 1889. Narrated according to Hans Meyer's notes.
  76. Eugen von Sass: You were undefeated! From the heroic struggle of Lettow-Vorbeck in German East Africa. Told according to sources.
  77. Bernhard Matuschka: Hunting safari in German East Africa.
  78. WH Africanus (di: Walther Hietzig): "Farm lion" on Tzatsaras. A farmer tells his experiences from German Southwest Africa.
  79. Heinz Wuttig: Gold in Africa! A German finds the first gold in South Africa.
  80. Gino F. von Moellwitz: The fight for the Mora festivals. Aboriginal loyalty in the fighting for Cameroon 1915/16.
  81. WH Africanus (di: Walther Hietzig): Farewell to German Southwest. From the experiences of an old farmer.
  82. Gino F. von Moellwitz: Through Kordofan and Darfur. The journeys of Dr. Johannes pound.
  83. Karl Anbauer: On Peter Grump's farm.
  84. Friedrich Wilh. Mader : The enigmatic boma. Story from the fighting of the German Schutztruppe in East Africa in the summer of 1918.
  85. WH Africanus (di: Walther Hietzig): The farmer of Brack. A factual report from German South West Africa.
  86. Johannes Sigleur: Battle for Wituland. Clemens and Gustav Denhardt acquire a colony for the German Empire.
  87. Paul Leutwein: Riddle of the Kassai. A factual report using the records of the Wissmann expedition.
  88. Ulrich Hansen (di: Paul Ulbrich): Across Africa. The first crossing of Africa from west to east according to the records of Hermann Wissmann.

See also


  • Peter Wanjek: Bibliography of the German book novels 1900–1945 , Wilfersdorf 1993, pp. 289–291.
  • Heinz J. Galle: Folk books and booklet novels , Volume 2: From the Empire to the “Third Reich” - 40 years of popular reading material , Lüneburg 2006. ISBN 3-8334-4314-6 .

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