Comet (heraldry)

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Rising comet in Coume's coat of arms as an example

The comet , or tail star , is a common figure in heraldry and thus a heraldic figure .

It shows a star with an attached stylized tail in the manner of a bundle of rays. All heraldic colors are permitted, but silver and gold dominate. Two or more comets are very rare in the coat of arms .

A distinction is made in heraldry between the French and the German / Austrian representation. The French comet is predominantly one five-pointed star, the other star is predominantly six-pointed.

In the coat of arms a distinction is made between rising / rising and falling comets. The position of the comet's tail to the star is important here and whether it points to the base of the shield or the head of the shield . The tail is shown flamed, wavy, straight, winding or radiant. When describing the coat of arms , the tail design must be observed. The flaming representation is marked, for example, by a clear border.


Web links

Commons : Comet in Heraldry  - collection of images, videos and audio files