Regest of the Margraves of Baden and Hachberg

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Title page of the first volume of the Regesta of the Margraves of Baden and Hachberg 1050–1515

The regest of the Margraves of Baden and Hachberg 1050–1515 are a collection of regests of documents from the Middle Ages , which were issued by the Baden Historical Commission in the years 1892 to 1915 and which are related to the House of Baden and its subsidiary lines.


In 1887, Friedrich von Weech , as secretary of the Baden Historical Commission, initiated the project to compile a regesting collection of the Baden ancestral regions. He saw it as the necessary addition to other regest collections related to the Grand Duchy of Baden , such as the regests of the Count Palatine on the Rhine and the Regesta episcoporum Constantiensium. Regesta on the history of the bishops of Constance. Until then, the Historia Zaringo-Badensis by Johann Daniel Schöpflin and its German adaptation by Johann Christian Sachs were available for the native Baden countries . In addition, the ancestral regions of Baden are also included in the history of Württemberg by Christoph Friedrich von Stälin until 1268 .

The regests begin with documents from Margrave Hermann I of Baden and were planned for the period up to the end of the reign of Margrave Christoph I of Baden in 1515. In addition to the Baden ancestral line, its subsidiary lines of the Margraves of Baden-Hachberg and Hachberg should also be used -Sausenberg are included, which is why the overall title " Regest of the Margraves of Baden and Hachberg 1050-1515 " was chosen.

Friedrich von Weech took over the project management as archive director of the Grand Ducal Badisches General-Landesarchiv and deployed archive staff Aloys Schulte , Karl Obser , Albert Krieger and Richard Fester for the project. In November 1889 Richard Fester was given sole management of the project. The editor of the respective regesta is recognizable in the print by the first letters of the name.

From 1888 to 1896, Fester visited numerous libraries and archives - mainly in southern Germany and Switzerland. But archives in Vienna, Innsbruck, Luxembourg and other places were also searched for documents with the participation of the House of Baden. The volumes were not published in full, but divided into deliveries.

The regesta was published by the Innsbrucker Verlag der Wagnerschen Universitäts-Buchhandlung, whose owner, Eckart von Schumacher, provided intensive support for the project. Shortly after the Regesta was completed, he sold the publishing house in 1916.

First volume

The first and second deliveries were published in 1892, the 3rd to 8th deliveries followed from 1893 to 1895. After Richard Fester was appointed to a chair at the University of Erlangen in October 1896 , Heinrich Witte took over the project management in December and closed in 1899 with the extensive register (9th and 10th delivery in 1900) released the first volume of the Regesta, using preliminary work by Fester and Hölscher. The principle of the purely chronological order of regesta was deviated from in the regesta of the Baden branch lines. The regesta of the Baden main line end in the first volume with the number 5032 and the year 1431 on page 537 (including supplements, additions and pieces that cannot be placed in a row).

Then the regests of the Margraves of Hachberg begin with the new page numbering "h1" up to the division into the Hachberg and Sausenberg lines (here called Röteler Line ). The numbering of the registers starts again at 1 and is supplemented by a preceding h ("h1") to distinguish it from regest no. 1 of the main line, i.e. H. "H1" ff. Is both a page number and a regesta number. From page h60 (regest no. H576) the regesta that concern the "Sausenbergische (Rötelnsche line)" begin .

After page h117 follows the register for both parts of the registers, with the page numbering following that of the registers of the main line (pages 543–661). In digital copies, the various page blocks are sometimes inserted in an incorrect and confusing order, which makes it difficult to use.

In the RIplus database of the Regesta Imperii, the numerous supplements and additions have already been incorporated into the individual regesta and the first volume is divided into two volumes with the regesta of the Margraves of Baden on the one hand and those of the two Hachberger subsidiary lines on the other, which makes it much easier to use .

Second volume

The second volume of the Regesten appeared in 1901 and was entirely dedicated to the Margraves of Hachberg-Sausenberg and covered the period from 1422 to 1444, i.e. H. the last years of reign of Margrave Rudolf III. von Hachberg-Sausenberg and the term of office of his son Wilhelm , as well as some documents that also name Wilhelm's sons, Rudolf IV. von Hachberg-Sausenberg and Hugo. Here too, Witte was in charge and used preliminary work by Fester and Hölscher. If the Hachberg-Sausenberg Regetsen in the first volume ended with no. H1160, the numbering was continued in volume two, whereby the prefix h was omitted. A continuation of the regests of the Margraves of Hachberg or Baden-Hachberg was dropped, as this line had already died out in 1418 with Margrave Otto II of Baden-Hachberg in the male line.

Two deliveries were published for this volume; the planned third delivery with the regesta from 1445 to 1453 was never created.

This volume is also available in the RIplus database of the Regesta Imperii.

Third volume

After two deliveries of the second volume were made in 1901, the publication of the third volume began in 1902 before the second was completed. The confusing name Regesten the Margrave of Baden 1431 (1420) -1453 is intended to express that the band does not (chronologically the first volume of the Margrave of Baden from 1050 to 1431 Regesten ) connects with the year 1431, but due later in the Secret State Archive Munich found dead Documents back to 1420 again. Fritz Frankhauser supported Heinrich Witte in creating this volume. Before the third and fourth deliveries, which were already ready for printing, were published, Heinrich Witte died in 1903 and Albert Krieger was entrusted with the management of the project. Frankhauser completed the register.

This volume is also available in the RIplus database of the Regesta Imperii.

Fourth volume

After Fritz Fankhauser stopped working at the Regesten in 1908 for health reasons, Albert Krieger continued the work. In 1912 two deliveries of the fourth volume were published. Another delivery followed in 1913 and 1914, and the register completed the entire work in 1915, although the project was hampered by the First World War . Krieger was called up for military service at home. He received support from Hermann Haering .

This volume is not available in the RIplus database of the Regesta Imperii and "RI-Opac: The literature database on the Middle Ages" does not contain a link to the existing digitized version.

Print editions, digitized copies and database

Regest of the Margraves of Baden and Hachberg 1050–1515. Baden Historical Commission (ed.), Verlag der Wagnerschen Universitäts-Buchhandlung, Innsbruck (1892-1915)

Further digital copies are shown in Wikisource.

The regesta (without volume 4) are also available in the Regesta Imperii database :

  • RIplus Regg. Baden 1,1 - Margraves of Baden (1050–1431) online
  • RIplus Regg. Baden 1,2 - Margraves of Hachberg (1218–1418) online
  • RIplus Regg. Baden 2 - Margraves of Hachberg (1422–1444) online
  • RIplus Regg. Baden 3 - Margraves of Baden (1431 (1420) -1453) online

Overview of the volumes and their content

tape Margraves of Baden Margraves of Hachberg Margraves of Hachberg-Sausenberg
1 Years 1050 to 1431;
No. 1 to 5032;
Pp. 1 to 537
Years 1218 to 1418;
No. h1 to h575 and h1134 to h1147 and 1154
p. H1 to h59
Years 1306 to 1428;
No. h576 to h1133; h1148 to h1150; h1155 to h1160; h1151 to h1154
S. h60 to h116
2 1422 to 1444;
No. 1161 to 1981 (after h1160 of volume 1)
3 1431 (1420) to 1453;
No. 5033 to 7570 (after 5032 of Volume 1)
4th 1453 to 1475;
No. 7571 to 10703


  • Richard Fester: Extract from the report on the status of the work for the regests of the Margraves of Baden and Hachberg. In: Communications of the Baden Historical Commission , No. 16, Karlsruhe 1894, m9-m12 in the Internet Archive
  • Richard Fester: Extract from the report on the status of the work for the regests of the Margraves of Baden and Hachberg. In: Communications of the Baden Historical Commission , No. 17, Karlsruhe 1895, m10-m14 in the Internet Archive

Web links

Wikisource: Baden # Sources collections  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Regesta of the Count Palatine on the Rhine on
  2. ^ Regesta episcoporum Constantiensium. Regesta on the history of the bishops of Constance. on
  3. in volumes 5 to 7 documents are printed
  4. Christoph Friedrich von Stälin: §15. Dukes of Zäringen, von Teck, Margraves of Baden, von Hochberg. In: Christoph Friedrich von Stälin: Wirtembergische Geschichte (Swabia and Southern Franconia: Hohenstaufenzeit 1080 - 1268) , Stuttgart and Tübingen 1847, pp. 280–350 digitized version of the Freiburg University Library
  5. ^ Foreword by Friedrich von Weech to the first volume with a list of the libraries and archives
  6. Overview of all regesta volumes , whereby under Regesta Imperii Plus (RIplus) the RIplus Margraves of Baden (1050-1515) with the two sub-volumes 1,1 and 1,2 are listed.
  7. RIplus | Baden 1,1 - Margraves of Baden (1050-1431) - Preamble
  8. RIplus | Baden 1,2 - Margraves of Hachberg (1218-1418) - Preamble
  9. RIplus | Baden 2 - Margraves of Hachberg (1422-1444) - Preamble
  10. RIplus | Baden 3 - Margraves of Baden 1431 (1420) -1453 - Preamble
  11. Entry Haering, Hermann on discover regional studies online - leobw
  12. Entry on RI-Opac
  13. Regest no. H1
  14. Regest No. h1134
  15. Addendum h1154
  16. No. 576; Beginning of the regests of the Sausenberger line
  17. ^ Addendum 1155 to 1160
  18. concerning both lines