Komiya Yasutaka

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Komiya Yasutaka ( Japanese 小 宮 康 孝 ; born November 12, 1925 in Asakusa , Taitō district in Tokyo Prefecture ; † October 24, 2017 ) was a Japanese dyer and artisan. It was declared on April 26, 1978 as a living national treasure for the important intangible cultural asset “Dyeing Edo patterns” ( 江 戸 小 紋 , Edo Komon ).

Yasutaka was trained in the craft of dyeing by his father Kōsuke. By studying and collecting old katagami (stencils) he revived the art of making Edo patterns. He managed to improve the pattern for the small-patterned design. He lived and worked in Tokyo, where he taught his son Yasumasa (* 1956).

Individual evidence

  1. 小 宮 康 孝 . In: デ ジ タ ル 版 日本人 名 大 辞典 + Plus at kotobank.jp. Retrieved March 12, 2015 (Japanese).
  2. Komiya Yasumasa. Japancraft.de, 2012, accessed on March 12, 2015 (Japanese, with illustrations).

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