Municipal Parliament of the Altmark

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Communal seal mark - Landtag of the Altmark

The communal parliament of the Altmark was a Prussian communal parliament that was spatially responsible for the Altmark . In addition, there was no other municipal parliament in the Prussian province of Saxony .


The corporate constitution of the Altmark is described in Tangermündescher Kreis # Geschichte . From 1806 to 1813 the Altmark belonged to the Kingdom of Westphalia . After this fell back to Prussia, the old constitution was first restored. In 1816 the districts were redesigned and the Altmark was assigned to the province of Saxony. This separated the Altmark from the other parts of the Kurmark , which remained in the province of Brandenburg .

With the "General Law on Order of Provincial Estates" of June 5, 1823 and the "Law on Order of Provincial Estates in the Province of Saxony" of March 24, 1824, the Provincial Parliament of the Province of Saxony (initially referred to as Provincial Estates) was created as a provincial parliament. The Altmark estates saw this as a violation of their traditional rights. Therefore the old market was not covered by the provincial parliament. Instead, the law of August 17, 1825 created a separate municipal council for the Altmark. The same applied to the parts of the Kurmark that remained in the province of Brandenburg. For this purpose, two more municipal councils (one for the Neumark and one for the other parts of the Kurmark) were created.

The members were appointed in three curiae. All owners of a manor suitable for the state assembly. These more than 150 manors were registered in the knighthood register of the Altmark districts. The manor owners appeared in person. If the owner of the manor was a minor or a woman, he could be represented by a representative of the same class. The second curia was made up of the representatives of the cities. The seven old cities (Stendal, Salzwedel, Gardelegen, Seehausen (Altmark), Osterburg (Altmark), Tangermünde and Werben) each provided one representative. Another MP was elected from the remaining cities. The third curia was formed by a member of the peasant class per district.

For eligibility, the completed 24th year of life, membership of the Christian religion and an innocent reputation were required. The deputies of the cities had to be members of the magistrate, the representatives of the peasantry had to own property.

The municipal parliament met annually for a parliamentary session. The chairman of the state parliament later held the traditional title of governor of the Altmark.

With the Prussian provincial reform of 1875, the provincial parliament also received spatial competence for the Altmark. The municipal parliament remained in place, but lost most of its abandonments. In 1927 the municipal parliament was dissolved. The archive materials are in the Magdeburg State Archives.

Parliament building

The municipal parliament could choose its seat itself and met in Stendal. In 1892 a separate state parliament building was erected for the municipal parliament at Poststrasse 4 in Stendal. The house designed by Ferdinand Schorbach was demolished around 1995. It was also used by the Ständische Hauptsparkasse der Altmark , founded in 1834 .


For the members of the communal parliament see the category: Member of the communal parliament of the Altmark .


Individual evidence