Edge data (when using electronic infrastructure)

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Edge data is data that contains information about the use of electronic infrastructure. They document, for example, which telephone connection , which e-mail - the sender or which IP address when, how long and with whom to communicate or how and when electronic devices were used. Furthermore, processes in applications , databases and servers can be read out in the marginal data . These marginal data are usually recorded automatically when the corresponding devices are used. They are recorded in log files, so-called log files .

Electronic infrastructure

Electronic infrastructure means all electronic work, auxiliary and control equipment. It can be both stationary and mobile devices. The devices and systems that record personal data are relevant here. These include in particular:

Traffic data and marginal data

So-called traffic data or traffic edge data are a sub-category of the edge data. The German Telecommunications Act (TKG) contains a legal definition for traffic data. This is also marginal data, but only in the area of ​​telephony and Internet use. The marginal data explained here are, however, electronic traces that arise when using any form of electronic infrastructure.

Data category according to data protection law

The stored data in these edge information can be on the usual user of a telephone line, an email address, a computer , a peripheral device related, etc. and are therefore usually personal information (Germany) and personal data (Switzerland).

Differentiation from content data

The content data, i.e. the content of the electronic communication mentioned here, must be distinguished from the marginal data . This content can be, for example, electronically written texts (in an email), conversations (on the phone) or the content of websites that you have visited. In the context explained here, communication content cannot be seen from the log files, but can, under certain circumstances, be evaluated using log file analysis .
