Confederation of Warsaw (1704)

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The Confederation of Warsaw of February 16, 1704 , concluded in Warsaw under the aegis of the Polish Primate Radziejowski , was directed against the Polish electoral king August II .

The confederation dethroned the Saxon king and proclaimed the interregnum in the Kingdom of Poland-Lithuania . On July 12, 1704 she declared during an electoral seminar to be the voivode of Poznan, Stanislaus I. Leszczyński , with the military support of the Swedish King Charles XII. , as the new King of Poland, which in fact amounted to a usurpation , since the Polish head of state could only be elected in a free election by the entire nobility. The Polish supporters of King August II then formed the Sandomir Confederation on May 20, 1704. It was the de facto start of a civil war in Poland that lasted from 1704 to 1709 . On August 30, 1704, the representatives of the Confederation of Sandomir in Narva entered into an alliance with Tsar Peter I on behalf of the Rzeczpospolita . From this point on, the entire Kingdom of Poland (ie not just August II in his capacity as Elector of Saxony and King of Poland) was at war with the Kingdom of Sweden and formally entered the Great Northern War on the side of Russia .