Konrad August von Brasch

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Coat of arms of the von Brasch noble family

Conrad August von Brasch (born February 22, 1820 in Dorpat ; † April 3, 1884 ibid.) Was a German-Baltic nobleman , state politician and district administrator in the Livonia governorate .


His upbringing and schooling took place in the "Krümmerschen Anstalt" in Werro . Between 1838 and 1841 he studied at the University of Tartu Law and held in 1842 the office of adjuncts at the order of court in Tartu. From 1845 he owned the Aya estate , which he donated in 1878 as a family fideikommiss . From 1845 to 1846 he was parish judge and from 1848 to 1851 he was deputy parish judge and church mayor . He was delegated from 1860 to 1866 as district deputy for the Dorpat and Werro districts . He was considered a conservative state politician and was the Livonian district administrator from 1867 to 1870.

Origin and family

Conrad August came from the German-Baltic noble family von Brasch , which had been based in Livonia since around 1770. His father was the court assessor Konrad Siegmund von Brasch (1779-1835), who was married to Countess Alexandrine von Dücker (1786-1846). Conrad August married Sophie von Krüdener (1822–1891) in 1842 ; this marriage was childless.

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