Konrad Blicklin

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Konrad Blicklin , called Konrad Ebinger (* around 1462 in Ebingen ; † September 3, 1534 in Tübingen ), doctor of both rights, taught for about 53 years at the University of Tübingen , most recently as full professor of canon law . He was the longest teaching law professor in Tübingen before the introduction of the Reformation in Württemberg (1534/1535).


Konrad Blicklin, who was almost only known to his contemporaries under his original name Ebinger, came from the first marriage of the long-time Ebinger mayor Heinrich Blicklin († 1483). The birth name of his mother Adelheid is not known. When he was around 12 to 14 years old, Blicklin began his university studies in the summer semester of 1475 at the artist faculty in Basel. There he received a bachelor's degree in the winter semester of 1476 and a master's degree in 1478 at the University of Tübingen, which opened the previous year . According to the statutes, he was one of the teachers at the Tübingen Artistic Faculty. In the summer semester of 1483 he was already certified as a licentiate in law in Tübingen .

Blicklin was married to Anna Ziegler, a relative of Tübingen Provost Chancellor Johannes Vergenhans alias Nauclerus , and to Katharina Ochsenbach from a well-known Tübingen family from Brackenheim . In Brackenheim, Johannes Vergenhans had held the parish office for five years. By marrying into the Vergenhans family and thanks to the dowry of his first wife, he was able to obtain an expensive doctorate in both rights. H. in ecclesiastical and Roman law, and thus in the mid-1480s created the prerequisites for his early appointment as a law professor at the Tübingen Faculty of Law, initially in a less well-paid teaching post in the faculty, for which he initially received a private annual grant from his Father-in-law Johannes Vergenhans received. As the successor to Martin Prenninger, who died in 1501, he was professor of canon law until his death on September 3, 1534 .

He was largely able to stay away from diplomatic activities for the Württemberg sovereign and from activities as an assessor at his court . At no time did he assume the office of rector of the university. However, he was elected several times, alternating for two years each, as chief deputy ( deputatus principalis ) for the university administration and in 1500 as deputy of Johannes Vergenhans in his office as one of the three judges of the Swabian Federation . Blicklin's outstanding erudition and the clarity of his lecture were praised long after his death , as the Wittenberg theologian Philipp Melanchthon reports. With the exception of posthumously printed reports from the Tübingen Faculty of Law, in which he was involved, no printed writings have survived.

Blicklin left behind the sons Johann, Conrad, Georg, Ludwig, Sebastian and Heinrich. His considerable fortune was the subject of a lengthy inheritance process .


  • Walter Stettner: Prof. Dr. jur. Konrad Blicklin called Ebinger (1460-1534) and his Ebinger relatives . In: Heimatkundliche Blätter Balingen 24,7 (1977), pp. 121-124.
  • Siegfried Frey: The court of the Swabian Federation and its judges 1488-1534 . In: Means and Ways of Early Constitutional Policy . Small writings 1, ed. by Josef Engel (Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Times. Tübingen Contributions to Historical Research, Volume 9). Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart 1979, ISBN 3-12-911620-6 , pp. 224-281, here pp. 244, 261-263.
  • Siegfried Frey: The Württemberg court court (1460-1618) (publications of the commission for historical regional studies in Baden-Württemberg, series B: representations, volume 113). W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 1989, ISBN 3-17-009952-3 , pp. 168-169.
  • Sönke Lorenz: Eberhard im Bart and his university. An introduction. In: Tübingen in teaching and research around 1500. On the history of the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen , ed. by Sönke Lorenz, Dieter Bauer and Oliver Auge (Tübingen Building Blocks for Regional History, Volume 9). Jan Thorbecke, Ostfildern 2008, ISBN 978-3-7995-5509-8 , pp. 1–59, here pp. 19,51.
  • Karl Konrad Finke: Konrad Blicklin alias Ebinger (around 1462 to 1534) . In: The professors of the Tübingen Faculty of Law (1477-1535) , edited by Karl Konrad Finke (Tübingen professor catalog, volume 1,2). Jan Thorbecke, Ostfildern 2011, ISBN 978-3-7995-5452-7 , pp. 64-72.