Konrad Lakowitz

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Konrad Lakowitz (born June 22, 1859 in Danzig ; † August 20, 1945 in Berlin ) was a German teacher, botanist and mycologist . Its official botanical author abbreviation is “ Lakow. "

He was the son of a merchant and from 1877 studied science, mathematics and geography in Breslau to become a teacher. He was Göppert's assistant at the Botanical Garden and received his doctorate in botany in 1881. After the state examination as a teacher in 1883 and a probationary period in Breslau, he was a teacher in Danzig from 1886, and from 1907 with the title of professor.

Lakowitz mainly dealt with algae and mushrooms, as well as luminous mosses. He headed the West Prussian Botanical-Zoological Association for 25 years (as the successor to Hugo Erich Meyer von Klinggräff ), which published a commemorative publication for him on his 70th birthday in 1929.

In 1918 he became a member of the Leopoldina .


  • Jan-Peter Frahm , Jens Eggers: Lexicon of German-speaking bryologists , 2001

Individual evidence

  1. ^ List of members Leopoldina, Konrad Lakowitz