Konrad Marc-Wogau

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Konrad Marc-Wogau (born April 4, 1902 in Moscow , † October 27, 1991 in Uppsala ) was a Swedish philosopher. From 1946 to 1968 he held the chair of theoretical philosophy at Uppsala University . Marc-Wogau was a student of Axel Hägerström and especially of Adolf Phalén (1884–1931), later he was more strongly influenced by the analytical philosophy from Cambridge, namely by George Edward Moore , Bertrand Russell , William Ernest Johnson and CD Broad .


  • Investigations on Kant's theory of space . Inaugural dissertation, Håkan Ohlssons boktryckeri / Buchdruckerei, Lund 1932
  • Content and scope of the term. Contribution to the theory of the term. Almquist och Wiksells boktryckeri, Uppsala / Otto Harrassowitz, Leipzig 1936 ( Skrifter utgivna av K. Humanistika Vetenskaps-Samfundet i Uppsala , Volume 30, No. 2).
  • Four studies on Kant's Critique of Judgment . Uppsala universitets årsskrift , Volume 2, Uppsala / Otto Harrassowitz, Leipzig 1938.
  • Kritiska studier i socialfilosofi och etik . Appelberg, Uppsala 1939.
  • The theory of sensory data. Problems of the more recent epistemology in England ( Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis ). A.-B. Lundequistska bokhandeln, Uppsala 1945
  • Kant's doctrine of analytical judgment . In: Theoria , Volume 17 (1951), pp. 140-157.
  • Om Protagoras' Homomensura Sats i Platon's Teaitetos . In: Kungl. Humanistika Vetenskaps-Samfundet i Uppsala Arsbok. Uppsala 1952, pp. 207-228. In English translation in K MW: Philosophical Essays 1967, pp. 3–21.
  • Descartes' doubt and the cogito ergo sum . In: Theoria , Volume 20 (1954), pp. 128-152.
  • Berkeley's Sensationalism and the esse est percipi Principle . In: Theoria , Volume 23 (1957), pp. 12-36
  • The Argument from Illusion and Berkeley's Idealism . In: Theoria , Volume 24 (1958), pp. 94-106.
  • Logic for nybörjare: Lärobok for gymnasiet och sälvstudier . Rabén & Sjogren, 1959.
  • Modern logic: elementær lærobok . Liber, 1961.
  • On Historical Explanation . In: Theoria , Vol. 28 (1962), pp. 213-233.
  • Gilbert Ryle on Sensation . In: Philosophical Essays Dedicated to Gunnar Aspekin . CWK Gleerup Bokförlag, Lund 1963.
  • Filosofisk uppslagsbok Liber, 1963.
  • Philosophical essays. History of Philosophy, Perception, Historical Explanation . Library of 'Theoria' , Volume 11, CWK Gleerup and Munsksgaard, Lund and Copenhagen 1967.
    • In it: Aristotle's Theory of Corrective Justice and Reciprocity
  • Freud's psykoanalys: Presentation and criticism . Bonnier 1967
  • Filosofiska discussioner . Liber, 1967.
  • Logic, vetenskapsteori, argument analysis . Liber, Tema / Stockholm 1968
  • Study till Axel Hägerström filosofi . Bokförlaget Prisma, Falköping 1968.
  • Filosofisk leksikon . Fabritius 1969
  • with Rudolf Johannesson : Filosofi för gymnasiet . Ubildningsförlaget, 1971
The debate with Ernst Cassirer
  • K MW: The concept of symbol in Ernst Cassirer's philosophy . In: Theoria , Volume 2 (1936), pp. 279-332.
  • K MW: Against remarks remarks to the meeting Ernst Cassirer in Theoria, Vol II, H.2, p 207ff ... . In: Theoria , Volume 2 (1936), pp. 335-342.
Ernst Cassirer
  • EC: content and scope of the term. Comments on Konrad Marc-Wogau: Content and scope of the term . In: Theoria (1936), No. 2, pp. 207-232.
  • EC: On the logic of the concept of symbols . In: Theoria , Volume 4 (1938), pp. 145-175.
  • EC: What is subjectivism? . In: Theoria , Volume 5 (1939). Pp. 111-140.
The sensory data debate with Justus Hartnack and CD Broad
  • K MW: Remarks on the term sensory date in the discussion of recent years . In: Theoria , Volume 16 (1950), pp. 63-74.
  • K MW: Comment on the expression Exists . Reply to a comment by Justus Hartnack . In: Theoria , Volume 16 (1950), pp. 249-250.
  • JH: A Note on Existence. Remarks on Professor Konrad Marc-Wogau's remarks on the term 'sensory date' in the discussion of recent years . Theoria , Volume 16, (1950), pp. 247-248.
  • K MW: The Theory of Change in CD Broad . In: Theoria , Volume 9 (1943).
  • CD Broad: Professor Marc-Wogau's Theory of Sensory Data . In: Mind , LVI (56), No. 221 (1947), pp. 1-30 and No. 222 (1947), pp. 97-131.
  • K. MW: On CD Broad's Theory of Sensa . In: The Philosophy of CD Broad . Paul Arthur Schlipp (Ed.), Tudor Publishing, New York 1959, pp. 487-509.
Essays about his teacher Axel Hägerström and about legal philosophy
  • About the terms "binding force of law", "legal obligation" and "subjective right" . In: Theoria , Volume 6 (1940), pp. 232-237.
  • Axel Hägerström's verklihetstheori . In: Tiden , 1940, pp. 286-299, 360-366.
  • On the concept of subjective right . In: Theoria 1941
  • Axel Hägerström and criticisms of subjectivisms . In: Harald Nordensson 60 år . Stockholm 1946.
  • Känsla och värde enligt Axel Hägerström och Hans Larsson . In: Ord en bild , Volume 55, 1946, pp. 245–260.
  • Axel Hägerström's ontology . In: RE Olson, AM Parel (Ed.): Contemporary Philosophy in Scandinavia . Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore 1972, pp. 479-490.
  • The ontology of Hägerström . In: R. Haller (Ed.): Beyond being and not being. Contributions to Meinong research . Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt, Graz 1972, pp. 47–54.
  • Marc-Wogau was first co-editor, from 1936 editor of Theoria. A Swedish Journal of Philosophy and Psychology .
  • Hjalmar Wennerberg (Ed.): Nio filosofika studier tillängnade Konrad Marc-Wogau, June 30, 1968 . Filosofiska Föreningen, Uppsala 1968.
  • Sören Halldén: Konrad Marc-Wogau (1902–1991) . In: Theoria , Vol. 58 (1992), pp. 97-98.

Individual evidence

  1. Thorild Dahlquist: Marc-Wogau, Konrad . In: Stuart C. Brown, Diané Collinson, Robert Wilkinson (Eds.): Biographical Dictionary of Twentieth-Century Philosophers . Routledge, 1996 (new edition), pp. 505f.