Konstantas Ramelis

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Konstantas Ramelis (* 12. March 1938 in Užupis , Rajon Švenčionys , Lithuania ) is a Lithuanian lawyer, politician (Member of the Seimas ), and former judge in the District Court of Vilnius the department of civil matters .


After finishing school in Švenčionėliai 1957 graduated Ramelis 1968, the diploma program at the law school and 1974 at the History Faculty of Vilnius University . In 1957 he was a teacher in Jaciūnai (Švenčionys) . From 1970 he was a judge and from 1973 to 1994 chairman of the Švenčionys Regional Court . From 1995 to 2008 he was a judge in the Vilnius District Court . As a member of Lietuvos valstiečių liaudininkų sąjunga , he was a member of the Seimas from 2008 to 2012.

He was a member of the working group for the drafting of the Lithuanian Code of Civil Procedure 2002. He is a co-author of the Commentary on the Code of Civil Procedure .


  1. ^ Vyriausioji rinkimų komisija