Konstantin Alexejewitsch Salishchev

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Konstantin Alexeyevich Salischtschew ( Russian Константин Алексеевич Салищев ; born November 7 . Jul / 20th November  1905 greg. In Tula ; † 25. August 1988 in Moscow ) was a Russian cartographer . He studied at the Moscow University of Surveying (later Moscow Institute of Geodesy, Aerophotogrammetry and Cartography (MIIGAiK)). 1926 and 1929 to 1930 Salishchev worked as a land surveyor . He took part in expeditions to Eastern Siberia, during which geological mapping was carried out from an airplane. From 1931 he taught at the Faculty of Geography at Leningrad University and wrote the textbook "Kartowedenije" (Map Studies, Moscow 1939). From 1946 he worked on the editorial committee of the " Atlas mira " (World Atlas). From 1950 to 1988 Salishchev was professor of cartography at Lomonosov University in Moscow. In addition to his main work (revised 1948; German Gotha 1967 Introduction to Cartography ) he wrote other textbooks and published numerous scientific articles in various languages. Irina Pavlovna Saruzkaya worked with him .

Konstantin Salishchev was followed by a group of students, he is considered the founder of cartography studies.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Map of Northeast Asia in Peterm. Mitt. 1934