Konstantin Ernst Thilo von Kaweczynski

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Konstantin Ernst Thilo von Kaweczynski (born September 9, 1821 in Minden ; † March 14, 1898 in Bonn ) was a royal Prussian major general and most recently commander of the 80th infantry regiment .


His parents were Johann Karl von Kaweczynski (* June 25, 1788; † January 6, 1852) and his wife Charlotte Luise von Westernhagen (* June 13, 1792; † March 31, 1873). His father was a Prussian lieutenant colonel a. D. and finally battalion commander in the 15th Infantry Regiment. His brother Friedrich Wilhelm fell on July 4, 1866 as a captain near Wiesenthal.


He received his education at the grammar school in Minden . He went to the 15th Infantry Regiment on May 1, 1839 . There he was appointed portepeef ensign on September 28, 1839. On October 24, 1831, he was made redundant second lieutenant and on October 24, 1842 in the budget of the regiment. In 1849 he took part in the First Schleswig War and fought near Dansmühle, Veile and Aarhus. He was then posted from November 10, 1850 to March 1, 1851 in the 1st Battalion of the 4th Guards Landwehr Regiment to Königsberg in Prussia . From January 5, 1852 he was posted to the 7th Combined Reserve Battalion, on June 22, 1852 he was promoted to Premier-Lieutenant there. On October 1, 1852, he came to the 15th Landwehr Regiment, where he was a company commander in the 1st Battalion. He was promoted to captain on March 10, 1857 and returned to the 15th Infantry Regiment on November 15, 1857 as a company commander.

During the German-Danish War he fought in the battle near Missunde and Rackbüll, he also took part in the assault on the Düppeler Schanzen and was then seriously wounded on the transition to Alsen . For this he received the Red Eagle Order 4th Class with Swords on June 29, 1864 . After the war, he was appointed major and regular staff officer in the regiment on December 9, 1865. On April 12, 1866 he came as a commander in the 1st Battalion of the 15th Infantry Regiment. During the German War he was with the Main Army . He fought near Zella and Wiesenthal , Kissingen , Laufach , Aschaffenburg , Tauberbischofsheim and Gerchsheim as well as the bombardment of Würzburg. For this he received the Crown Order 3rd Class with Swords on September 20, 1866 , and on October 30, 1866 he was transferred to the fusilier battalion of the 15th Infantry Regiment as a commander. On June 18, 1869 he became a lieutenant colonel.

During the Franco-Prussian War he was seriously wounded in the Battle of Colombey , which resulted in the loss of his left index finger. He fought again in the siege of Metz and the battle of Ars-Laquenexy. For this he received the Iron Cross 2nd Class on September 7, 1870 .

After the war he was transferred to the 80th Infantry Regiment on June 20, 1871, and promoted to colonel on August 18, 1871. On January 18, 1875, he received the Order of the Red Eagle, 3rd class with swords . But on January 11, 1876 he got the character of major general and received his retirement with pension. But on April 20, 1878 he was put up for disposal with a pension . He died on March 14, 1898 in Bonn.


Kaweczynski married Agathe Henriette Söhle on March 11, 1858 in Hamburg (* September 2, 1838, † June 7, 1921). The couple was childless, then adopted their nephew: Konstantin Thilo Otto Max Karl (born January 28, 1866).


Individual evidence

  1. Gothaisches genealogical pocket book of the noble houses: at the same time the nobility register of the German aristocratic association. Part A, 1915, p. 808
  2. Rank and quarter list of the Royal Prussian Army and the XIII. (Royal-Württemberg) Army Corps, 1852, p.83
  3. ^ Military weekly paper, Volume 61, p.95