Mary Brant

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Koñwatsiãtsiaiéñni (" Who was loaned a flower") or Mary (Molly) Brant (also Gonwatsijayennin , Degonwadonti , Tekonwatonti ) (* 1736 (?); † April 16, 1796 in Kingston , Ontario , Canada ) was a Mohawk leader and the older sister of Joseph Brant . Both had great influence as British loyalists during the American Revolutionary War .

Mary Brant was informally (" common-law marriage ") with William Johnson , the superintendent for Native American affairs in the Mohawk Valley in the colony of New York married. She is credited with relaying information to the British for the benefit of the Battle of Oriskany and assisting the Loyalist cause, forcing them to flee the Americans west to the Cayuga and eventually Canada . There she continued to play her role as leader of the leaders of the Six Nations and made sure that four of the six Haudenosaunee nations were loyal to the Kingdom of Great Britain . After the war she moved to Kingston, Ontario , where she received a house and a high pension from the British government.

Family tree

Owandah/Margaret von den Haun (Irokesen)
=Peter Tehonwaghkwangeraghkwa von den Mohawk
│                                  │
│                                  │
Degonwadonti/Molly                 Thayendanegea/Joseph
+Warraghiyagey/Sir William Johnson
│      │          │          │         │     │     │        │
│      │          │          │         │     │     │        │
Peter  Elizabeth  Magdalene  Margaret  │     Mary  Susanna  Anne
                                       Tekahiowake/George Jacob Johnson, 1758–1843.
  Sakayengwaraton/Häuptling John Smoke Johnson, 1783–1886.
 +Helen Martin. ????-1866.
  Onwanosyshon/Häuptling George Johnson, 1816–1884.
 +Emily (Heirat 1853)
  │               │                  │                          │
  │               │                  │                          │
  Henry Beverly   Eva (Eliza Helen)  Allen Wawanosh (1858–1923) Tekahionwake/Pauline
  1854–1894       1856–1937         +Floretta Maracle           1861–1913.

Web links


  • White Savage: William Johnson and the Invention of America, Fintan O Toole, 2005.