Head to head

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Head to Head - A Game About Science was a game show invented by Alexander von Cube and Hans Ahlborn in 1971 and broadcast on WDR television from 1972 to 1991 .

Two teams (students versus teachers or, more rarely, students versus parents) had to explain scientific phenomena, which were presented as short, unusual experiments. One of the motto of the program was to find out what the students already know and what the teachers still know. Accordingly, the teaching team was made up of teachers with combinations of social sciences or humanities, while the student teams were usually provided by advanced science courses.

After a brief period of reflection and consultation, which was accompanied by music ( Memphis Underground by Herbie Mann ), a spokesman for the team had to give a reason. Up to three points were awarded. Often, however, there were consolation points for partially correct approaches.

One task was e.g. B. the goat problem .

In addition to the tasks for the studio teams, there was a demanding audience question, with high prizes like a C64 for the time .

The best-known presenters were Alexander von Cube (1977–1991) and Thomas von Randow . They were supported (in double moderation) by Hans Ahlborn (until his death in 1975 ), Karl-Heinz Wocker , Georg Rudinger , Gero von Boehm , David EH Jones (chemistry professor from Newcastle upon Tyne ), Prof. Werner Klein , Prof. . Wolfgang citizens and sometimes also by the young Joachim Bublath and later WDR computer Club presenter Wolfgang Back .

At the end of the program, the teams received plush owls; those of the penultimate were slightly larger than those of the second winner .


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