Coptus decree of Nub-cheper-Re Anjotef

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The Koptos decree of Nub-cheper-Re Anjotef (VII.) Or Antef V. is a hieroglyphic document from the Min temple in Koptos .

Content of the decree

In the decree from his third year of reign, King Anjotef ordered the removal of Teti , the mayor of Koptos and high dignitary of the temple, and the appointment of his successor with the name of Minemhat. The reason for the dismissal lies in a serious misconduct of the Teti, which, however, was interpreted differently by the translators of the decree. Teti is said to have caused a riot, he supported enemies of the king or he stole an object from the possession of the god Min of Koptos. The latter interpretation is most likely to be read from the wording of the decree. The consequences of this wrongdoing were serious and far-reaching: the culprit not only lost his offices and salaries to his successor, but also his family members were excluded from these offices for the future, to which the king also obliged his own successors and other rulers.

Meaning of the decree

The Koptos decree is an important document for ancient Egyptian historiography. So far it contains the only reference to the minimum period of reign of King Nub-cheper-Re Anjotef. There is also information about the power of the king: the mention of “rulers” leads to the conclusion that he was not the only one who had power over all of Egypt, a characteristic sign of the Second Intermediate Period of Ancient Egypt.

Text of the decree (translation)

Reign 3, month 3 of the Peret season, day 25, under the majesty of the King of Upper and Lower Egypt , Nub-cheper-Re, son of Re: Anjotef, bestowed with life like Re , forever.

Royal order to:

  • the Keeper of the King of Lower Egypt and mayor of Koptos , Minemhat
  • the king's son, the commander of Koptus, Kinen
  • the royal seal-keeper and (dressing) priest (of Min) of Koptos, the temple scribe of God (Min), Nefer-hetep-ur
  • the entire army of Coptus
  • the entire serving priesthood of the temple.

Note: This order was brought to you so that you might know that my Majesty - LWG (the abbreviation means life, prosperity and health) - caused the coming of the scribe of the sacred Amun treasure, Sa-Amun, and the Amun user-Re, with the aim of carrying out an inspection in the temple of Min, because the priesthood of the temple of my father Min has turned to my majesty - LWG - because an incident has occurred in this temple: "Cheftiu" has been stolen ( Ḫftjw ) by - cursed be his name - Teti, the son of Minhotep.

[Note: "Ḫftjw" are literally "enemies", and "stolen" is the passive mode. - A very valuable sculpture with enemies of the temple, which the god z. B. killed in ritual. Teti stole this "enemy statue" or parts of the group in order to enrich himself].

He must be thrown to the ground (nullified his rights) in my father Min's temple, and he must be removed from office and removed from his position in the temple - son to son and heir to heir - by locking him out becomes. His income, his legal rights, his drinking water and his meat ration will be taken away. One should not remember his name in this temple, as it is done with his kind, who has offended himself on the enemy statue ( ḫftjw ) of his god. Removes his inscriptions from the Temple of Min, from the treasury and from any papyrus scroll alike.

As for every king and ruler who is forgiven him, he will not receive the White Crown (Upper Egypt), nor will he wear the Red Crown of Lower Egypt, and he shall not sit on the Horus Throne of the Living (ruling kings). The two mistresses ( Nebti , the goddesses Nechbet and Wadjet ) should not be gracious to him as their lover. As for all commanders and officials who will turn to the ruler - LWG - to pardon him by standing up, his (the seeker's) people, property and fields are to be transferred to the temple property of my father Min, the Lord of Coptus.

Furthermore, one should not allow someone from their immediate relatives and other relatives to be brought into that office by their father or mother. And arrange for that office to be handed over to the king's treasurer and head of administration "Minemhat". He is given his (the office's) income, his food, water and meat rations, while the office is registered on him in the temple of my father Min, the Lord of Coptus, from son to son and from heir to heir.

Individual evidence

  1. Flinders Petrie : Koptos, Pl. 8, Decree of Antef V. Quaritch, London 1896.
  2. James H. Breasted : Geschichte Ägyptens ("A History of Egypt"). Parkland, Stuttgart 1980, ISBN 3-88059-128-8 .
  3. ^ Thomas Schneider : Antef V. In: Ders .: Lexikon der Pharaonen . Albatross, Düsseldorf 2002, ISBN 3-491-96053-3
  4. Kurt Sethe : Explanations on the Egyptian reading pieces. Middle Kingdom texts. Olms, Hildesheim 1976, ISBN 3-4870-4120-0 (reprint of the Leipzig 1927 edition)
  5. Seminar exercise at the University of HH, 2007/2008