Cordillera Siskin

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Cordillera Siskin
Cordillera siskin (Spinus uropygialis)

Cordillera siskin ( Spinus uropygialis )

Subordination : Songbirds (passeri)
Family : Finches (Fringillidae)
Subfamily : Goldfinches (Carduelinae)
Tribe : Carduelini
Genre : Siskin ( Spinus )
Type : Cordillera Siskin
Scientific name
Spinus uropygialis
( Sclater , 1862)

The Cordillera Siskin ( Spinus uropygialis , Syn . : Carduelis uropygialis ) is a species from the goldfinch-like subfamily . It only occurs in South America. In contrast to many other siskin species, it does not play a role in the keeping of ornamental birds, as it is vulnerable as a high mountain bird and difficult to get used to.


The Cordillera Siskin reaches a body length of eleven to twelve centimeters. The male is black on the upper side of the body. The feathers on the back and shoulders have yellow hems in some individuals. The rump and the upper and lower tail-coverts are bright yellow. This also applies to the chest and stomach. The flanks are spotted black and yellow. The beak is slate gray. The eyes and feet are black-brown.

The females are dark olive green on the top of the body. The yellow feathered body parts are less bright than in the male.

Way of life

The Cordillera Siskin is a species that populates the Andes at altitudes between 1500 and 3500 meters above sea level. Its distribution area extends from the south of Peru over the southwest of Bolivia to the west of Argentina and central Chile . Its habitat is the bushy high mountain steppe. The diet consists mainly of various seeds and insects.

supporting documents

Individual evidence

  1. Bielfeld, p. 90


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