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Order : Passerines (Passeriformes)
Subordination : Songbirds (passeri)
Superfamily : Sylvioidea
Family : Larks (Alaudidae)
Genre : Mirafra
Type : Cordofanlark
Scientific name
Mirafra cordofanica
Strickland , 1852
Distribution area of ​​the Kordofanlark

The Kordofanlerche ( Mirafra cordofanica ) is a kind from the family of larks. Their distribution area is in northern Africa. No subspecies are distinguished.


The Kordofanlark reaches a body length of about 14 centimeters, of which 5.1 to 6.0 centimeters are on the tail. The beak length is 1.1 to 1.3 centimeters. There is no noticeable gender dimorphism .

The Kordofanlark is light reddish brown on top with a diffuse, lighter stripe. The individual feathers are lined with cream color. The head is characterized by a light stripe above the eyes, the chin and throat are white. The chest is cinnamon colored with dark spots. The underside of the body is otherwise whitish, the wings are cinnamon brown. The brown wings are lined with reddish tones. The two outermost control springs are white, the middle pair of control springs is colored like the top of the body, the other control springs are black.

The typical lark singing is performed from high seat guards in low trees or bushes.

Possible confusion

In countries with Kordofanlerche come with the rust lark and the Einödlerche two Lerch species with which it can be confused. In both species of lark, however, unlike the Kordofanlark, the outer control feathers are not white.

Distribution area and habitat

The Kordofanlark occurs in Africa in two isolated regions. Its range includes the north of Senegal as well as Mauritania, Mali and the southwest of Niger. A second distribution area is in the central area of ​​Sudan.

The habitat of the kordofanlark are steppe-like areas, which are made up of individual bushes and feather grasses of the genus Aristida . The reddish tone of the soil is typical of its area of ​​distribution. It is well camouflaged against this with its plumage.

Way of life

The cordofanlark eats seeds and insects. It breeds in Mauritania from May to August and in Mali from May to July. In the Sudanese distribution area, however, it breeds from May to September. Like all larks, it is a ground breeder.


  • Rudolf Pätzold: The larks of the world . Westarp Sciences, Magdeburg 1994, ISBN 3-89432-422-8 .

Web links

Commons : Kordofanlerche  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Single receipts

  1. a b c Pätzold: The larks of the world . P. 41.
  2. a b Pätzold: The larks of the world . P. 40.