Kosmas Koroneos

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Kosmas Koroneos or Cosmas Koroneos ( modern Greek Κοσμάς Κορωναίος; * April 10, 1933 ; † September 10, 2015 in Paris ) was a Greek writer , poet and playwright . His play Ainsi Solange, Paris ou ailleurs was performed at the French National Theater Odéon , among others .


Koroneos was born in Greece, grew up there and later emigrated to Switzerland for a longer period , where he studied philosophy , sociology , the history of religion and psychoanalysis at the CG Jung Institute in Zurich . He finally settled in Paris in the early 1960s and died there of a heart attack in 2015 at the age of 82 .


Koroneos' published works are written in French only .

He saw his goal in summarizing the “totality of human experience” and uniting all literary genres in one text.

In 1966, poems written by him were published for the first time . This happened as part of the book Trois poètes grecs ("Three Greek Poets") by the French author Anne Creuchet, in which she presented selected poems by Koroneos and two other Greek poets.


  • Zoé, maintenant (1982)
  • Ontology, vol. 1: Tragédies (1984)
  • Ontology, vol. 2: Fugitif, longtemps après (1988)
  • Ontology, vol. 3: Faut-il inventer le réel? Etude sur le principe (2005)
  • Ontology, vol. 4: Fait divers, description d'un messie (2007)


  • Ainsi Solange, Paris ou ailleurs (1979, first performed 1981, Le Petit Odéon )
  • Orphée (1984)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Décès du poète et dramaturge Cosmas Koroneos. September 10, 2015, accessed November 25, 2019 (French).
  2. Le poète et dramaturge Cosmas Koroneos est mort. Retrieved November 25, 2019 (French).
  3. ^ Notice bibliographique. In: Catalog général. Bibliothèque national de France, accessed on November 25, 2019 (French).